IPPF for Youth, IPPF for All

Gurminder Singh

While living in the community, one thing we commonly face as the youth is that our young voices are not heard. No matter how wonderful the idea, its credibility is questioned by the deciding authority only because the person is young and doesn’t have much experience. Youth energies and creativity is generally neglected.

Even decisions about youth needs and matters are taken by elders with their own perspective without giving consideration to young lives. The same is in the case with marginalized people and individual from minority groups, whose agency is often directly undermined by discriminatory legislation or policy.

When others make decisions on your behalf, it will not be informed by reality and can end up putting lives at risk.

I am happy to say that in IPPF things have changed for the better. The Federation provides services to a large amount of young people around the globe. With this IPPF has understood very clearly that individual needs can only be understood better when we see it through their lens. We saw this in the reform process.

Going forward, it is important that IPPF continues to provide everyone with the opportunity to take up their issues directly to the decision making authority as well as involving people from diverse backgrounds to contribute better towards the community including the young and marginalized people at the community level.

Youth are a source of new thinking. We can provide new ideas, innovative approaches and shape a vision.  Even during the recent reform IPPF have not missed the role and importance of youth in the development of organization. This was part of its success.

By having 20% youth in it Board of Trustees and various other committees, IPPF has done the true empowerment of youth.  With this we as youth can directly contribute to frame youth appropriate decisions within the IPPF and hence providing with best services to our friends in the community. Long may it continue.

As we consider what our next strategy will look like, it is essential that  IPPF provide the youth as well as marginalized people with a platform for raising our voices.

Say it with me: IPPF for Youth! IPPF for ALL!

Posted in MA Voices, News Archive, Reform, Youth

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