Stream 2 Consortia

Finding a consortium partner across regions

As the Members prepare to register expressions of interest for the Stream 2 Consortium Channel by 6 April 2021, many are reaching out to connect across regions.

To make this effort easier, we are posting here a link to the current MA list as it appears on


The page allows you to search the different MAs and to visit their webpages, or to reach out to a contact point.

Or if you are looking to set up or join a consortium, you can leave a message and your contact details in the box below.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to write to us:

Posted in News Archive, Stream 2

22 responses to “Stream 2 Consortia”

  1. Casper Erichsen says:

    If you would like to set up a consortium or to join one, you can leave a comment below and your details for others to view.

  2. Marta Royo says:

    Asociación Profamilia Colombia as IPPF member is interested in the Stream 2 Consortium Channel. We are looking to set up a consortium and finding partner across regions.

    Profamilia is a Colombian non-profit organization, the biggest private SRH institution in the country and the second in developing countries that offer sexual and reproductive specialized programs, including family planning. We provide specialized health services, education focused on Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE) and pharmaceutical products principally contraceptive methods to the Colombian population since 1965. Also, we carry out research projects and advocacy actions and research.

    Please find contact e-mail contact at the end of this message for the organisations interested in a consortium

    Many thanks.

  3. L”AMPPF entend aller en consortium avec les AM volontaires pour postuler

  4. The Namibia Planned Parenthood Association (NAPPA) is a welfare organization established in 1996 to complement the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) in providing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) information and services for young people (male and female) aged 10-24 years, marginalized, vulnerable (i.e. key populations and adolescent girls and young women) and underserved communities.

    In addition, NAPPA has several service points in the country and mobile vans for outreach services provision. The organization provides CSE to in and out of school youth and advocates for safe access to sexual reproductive health and rights services; which includes advocacy for SRH policy reforms.

    We are interested in the Stream 2 consortium and our contact details are below.
    The e-mail address for NAPPA is : or

  5. l’ AM du Niger (ANBEF) souhaite appartenir à un consortium avec les pays qui le désir. notre contact:

  6. Thaim Kargbo says:

    Thaim Kargbo says:

    The Planned Parenthood Association of Sierra Leone (PPASL) is the leading Sexual and Reproductive
    Health and Rights (SRH&R) non-governmental organization in Sierra Leone. Using a rights-based approach, PPASL offers high quality clinical SRH services and commodities through static clinics outreach clinics, mobile clinics and Community Based Service Providers. Additionally, focus is kept on SRH Awareness and Education with a team of devoted staff and volunteers. PPASL work in partnership with Women and Girls with Disability, Key Population, Female People Living with HIV/AIDS in the provision of SRH&R and Family Planning services among their peers, co-relations and spouses.
    PPASL provides CSE to in and out of school youth.

    The Email address for PPASL is:

  7. Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG) is a leading CSO in Ghana has since its establishment in 1967 been providing Sexual and reproductive health and rights education, training and services, including family planning and safe abortion services to young people, women and other vulnerable and socially excluded groups in Ghana. PPAG provides these services through its own facilities, outreaches and other service delivery points across the country.

    PPAG through research, youth and gender transformative approaches delivered and continue to implement projects that has improved access to Safe Abortion services for young people among them the GCACI and the Ensuring Comprehensive Abortion Care Accountability in Ghana project.
    Please contact Abena Amoah on email: or on Telphone/WhasApp: +233 204 651138
    Thank you

  8. Planned Parenthood Association of Thailand under the Patronage of Her Royal Highness the Princess Mother (PPAT) is interested in joining the consortium. Thank you for your support.

  9. Lesotho Planned Parenthood Association (LPPA) is a leading SRHR non-governmental organisation in Lesotho established in 1968. It has been successfully accredited by IPPF in three accreditation cycles. LPPA is committed to the provision of quality Sexual and Reproductive Health information and services to men, women, youth and marginalised groups; prevention, mitigation of HIV and AIDS and advocating for Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights. LPPA provides SRH services from 7 clinics and reaches the rural community through outreach and Community Based Distribution programmes. The Association also provides CSE to out of school Youth targeting those residing in the rural areas and hard to reach areas.

    In its effort to contribute to HIV and AIDS prevention and reduction of HIV prevalence, the Lesotho Planned Parenthood Association is providing HIV services with a focus on Voluntary Counselling and Testing, STIs and OIs management, ART and Male Circumcision.
    The Association has so far made significant contribution to the achievement of national targets in relation to Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV and AIDS prevention and care.

    Please contact us on the following email address:

  10. Eko Maryadi says:

    IPPA is a leading NGO in Indonesia, founded in December 1957 and a full member of the IPPF since 1968. IPPA is engaged in the issue of sexual and reproductive health rights with 279 million people in Indonesia and the world’s largest moderate Muslim country. IPPA operates in 26 provinces and 197 cities / districts, has 31 static clinics, 20 Youth Forums, and is supported by thousands of volunteers. Currently IPPA is participating in the MA Governance Initiative, and is initiating the establishment of Legal Aid of SRHR to support the health rights of citizens, women and youth. IPPA continues to improve mobile services for youth clinics in the pandemic, reinforce values of family inclusion, push for the passage of the Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence, and strengthen national health laws for safe abortion services. IPPA is interested in joining the IPPF funding consortium and is ready to work with association members from all countries.

  11. L’AM du Tchad est interessée à faire partie d’un consortium.

  12. Chama cha Uzazi na Malezi Bora Tanzania (UMATI), is a leading non-profit Tanzania public health organization that focuses primarily on Sexual and reproductive health rights, (SRHR) information, services, education and research, established in 1959 in the United Republic of Tanzania. It is a full accredited Member Association (MA) of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) since 1965, governed by a well-established volunteer structure from the national to community level. The volunteers devote their time, resources and expertise to promote and maintain the Association and its functions.

    UMATI seeks to advance Sexual and reproductive health and rights in Tanzania.

    Since its inception, UMATI works with its collaborators to address key public health problems in Tanzania including Reproductive Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescents health (RMNCAH) issues, unmet need for Family Planning and access to modern Contraceptives, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and post-abortion care, and Malaria,

    UMATI is committed to success through its continued collaboration with current long-time partners IPPF, Ministries, Local government authorities and through its established relationship within the Government of Tanzania and various local and international health organization.

  13. Liai Siitia says:

    SFHA is interested to join the consortium. Thank you for the support.

  14. L’ Association Burundaise pour le Bien Etre Familial (ABUBEF )souhaite rejoindre un consortium avec l’AM qui le desire.

  15. Godwin Banda says:

    Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) is a Zambian non-governmental organisation which has existed since 1972 as a voluntary, not-for-profit and non-political organisation advancing the cause of sexual and reproductive health in Zambia.
    Since its formation, PPAZ has been a leading organisation in Zambia in the area of sexual and reproductive health. PPAZ stands as an organisation that responds to the challenges of the unmet needs in reproductive health such as high fertility rates among women, low contraceptive use, high incidence of HIV/AIDS, low use of condoms for HIV prevention, teenage pregnancies, unsafe abortions and inadequate access to services by the underprivileged and underserved communities. In Zambia the organisation is recognized and appreciated as a reliable service provider and initiator of programmes that complement the Ministry of Health efforts to provide equitable access to health services for all Zambians.
    The organization operates 4 static clinics, 11 mobile units and 10 community-based services (CBSs). It has a full-time staff of 34, backed by 1,300 volunteers which include over 200 community-based distributors (CBDs) and 398 peer educators. In total, PPAZ runs about 230 service points.

    We are interested in joining a Consortium for Stream 2


  16. PSH would like to be part, however, we are a collaborating partner of IPPF based in South Africa. We focus on SRHR services and advocacy. You can visit our website on all the work we do in South Africa and SADC region.

  17. AMODEFA would like to join the Consortium for Stream 2 as well. Thanks for the opportunity and all support!!

  18. NDOTIGA BIANSERE Alphonse says:

    L’Association Centrafricaine pour le Bien Etre Familial voudrait bien faire partie du consortium afin d’être efficace

  19. NDOTIGA BIANSERE Alphonse says:

    Bonjour les 10 premières AM pouvant constitué le consortium stream 2 est déjà fait avant notre inscription , nous souhaiterions que notre demande soit prise en compte si un autre stream sera constitué.

  20. Dear colleagues,
    Warm regards to all and SRH Serbia would like to take part in a Consortium.
    Here are some brief information:
    Since its foundation in 2002 SRH Serbia works towards achieving a discrimination-free, gender-equal and pro-choice environment in which all people will be able to develop, prosper and make informed decisions regarding various aspects of life, including reproductive health. SRH Serbia is committed to the introduction of a gender perspective into all policies and institutional developments in all areas and at all levels. Through the process of advocacy in cooperation with government institutions and offices as well as through the activities of the Parliamentary Group for Reproductive Health, Gender issues, and HIV / AIDS, we are advocating for the adoption of gender-sensitive policies and legislation that will increase the capacity of women in decision making, who will thus be able to advocate for better economic, political, social and health status of women.

    We strongly believe that women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights and elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls and the eradication of harmful practices are central elements of women’s and girls’ human rights and critical to bringing about sustainable development and call for these areas to be integrated across the post-2015 framework. In the area of sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, particular attention needs to be paid to the rights and needs of young people, including to young people’s access to sexual and reproductive health services and information, including comprehensive sexuality education.

    Through years of outreach work and provision of services in Drop-in centers and Youth counseling centers, SRH Serbia is also committed to respecting diversity and eliminating discrimination based on sex, gender, sexual identity, and sexual orientation.

  21. Nino Tsuleiskiri says:

    Dear colleagues,
    Association HERA XXI, MA Georgia would like to join the Consortium for Stream 2 as well.
    Since 1998, The Association contributes to the improvement of the political, social and economic environment of the country by promoting universal access to sexual and reproductive health services, maternal health, comprehensive education on reproductive health and healthy lifestyles, improving legal environment of children’s rights in terms of SRHR, advocating youth policies at local, national and international levels, and increasing readiness and awareness of decision-makers regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights.
    In recent years, HERA XXI has advocated to promote integration of gender and SRHR issues in the following documents: National Human Rights Action Plan 2018-2020; Action Plan for Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence and Protection of Victims (Victims) 2018-2020; Georgian National Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security 2018-2020, Maternal and Newborn Health State Strategy and Action Plan
    HERA XXI actively contributes to international monitoring instruments such as CEDAW, UPR and ICCPR. In 2020, within the framework of the 3rd Cycle of the UPR, the Organization presented individual and coalition reports in cooperation with Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI) as part of “Coalition for Reproductive Health and Rights” and SRHR platforms. HERA XXI, as a national speaker, assessed human rights challenges in the country, in terms of access to primary health care, access to healthcare, in particular safe abortion and family planning.
    Association HERA XXI’s made a submission on women’s and girls’ Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in crisis situations to the UN Working Group on discrimination against women and girls. HERA XXI, as a national speaker, assessed the human rights challenges from the civil society perspective regarding primary healthcare and realization of health rights, specifically safe abortion and accessibility to family planning.
    With the support of HERA XXI, a volunteer movement was formed and developed throughout the country; Innovative and creative approaches were established and the engagement of young people and volunteers became a priority in the activities of the Organization.

  22. Matelita Seva-Cadravula says:

    Greetings, the Reproductive & Family Health Association of Fiji is interested in joining the consortium for Stream 2. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

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