Consortium Channel

Stream 2 Consortium Channel is now open!

We are excited to announce that the 2023 consortium grant channel is now open for concepts.

The 2023 strategic focus is: “Optimizing the rollout and integration of new biomedical HIV prevention methods into IPPF service delivery platforms”

Please download the full Call for Concepts and the HIV Theory of Change in one of the IPPF languages below:

Key dates to be aware of:

  • May 19: Launch call for concepts on MA Forum
  • May 30: Webinar 1. The webinar is open to all who are interested. It will provide a technical update about biomedical HIV prevention and background for the call for concepts
  • June 02: Expressions of interest due. This is for all IPPF Members and Collaborative Partners interested in participating in a consortium as either a lead or member of a consortium
  • June 06: Webinar 2. The webinar is for all prospective consortium leads only. It will provide details about the application process
  • 07 July: applications for concepts due
  • July: technical review panel scores concept notes
  • August: decision making review panel scores concept notes
  • Mid-August: winning consortium is announced
  • Full proposal development with support from secretariat
  • October 2023: final proposal and budget approved, contracts developed and signed

If you are interested in leading a consortium, please take the following steps:

  1. Attend Webinar on May 30 (open to all MAs and CPs)
  2. Submit your expression of interest form – for ALL interested MAs and CPs – by June 2nd to with the subject line “Expression of Interest”
  3. Attend the second webinar on June 6th (for consortium leads)
  4. Build your consortium and co-develop the concept
  5. Submit your concept by July 7th

If you have questions please send them to the strategicfund

If you do not want to lead a consortium, please indicate your interest by writing a comment on the MA Forum’s dedicated page.

Posted in News Archive, Stream 2

3 responses to “Consortium Channel”

  1. KOUANDA Mohmed Hamdy says:

    ABBEF salut cette initiative et prendre les dispositions pour y participer

  2. En relación al canal Stream 2 Consortium que ya está abierto para “Optimizar el despliegue y la integración d nuevos métodos biomédicos de prevención de VIH en las plataformas de prestación de servicios de IPPF”, la Fundación CEMOPLAF está interesada en particpar en el consorcio, como MIEMBRO.
    A pesar de que no somos mmuy expertos en el tema, pero es un reto y un compromiso para la Institución trabajar en la prevención del VIH en los 21 y posteriormente 23 centros; en el Programa de Adolescentes y jóvenes y que mejor trabajar en las plataformas de prestación de servicios de IPPF. En el mes de junio estaremos enviando la NOTA CONCEPTUAL

  3. Association Guinéenne pour le Bien-Etre Familial (AGUIBEF), manifeste son intérêt à présenter sa proposition de financement d’un consortium
    Nous nous réjouissons de vous envoyer toutes les informations nécessaires.

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