MA Governance Pilot Update and Expansion

The global pilot initiative was announced on 1 April 2020, offering the opportunity to 10 MAs across our Federation to participate in an in-depth reflection and governance strengthening process.

It was amazing to hear your excitement about this initiative during our Town Hall call with Alvaro and Kate, and through the many emails we have received on the subject. IPPF is clearly a Federation on the move and with a real appetite for change. 

We have received a total of 22 applications. The applicants come from all regions, from large and small, old and new MAs alike. We will now start the process of assessing the applications, and we aim to announce the results by June 26.

We have received some feedback about the current Covid-19 crisis, which has affected many of you and shifted organizational priorities. We are aware that there are some members who will not be applying because of this difficult set of circumstances.

With this in mind, we are happy to announce that the MA Reform support will continue beyond this round of applications. We will, later in the year, announce a second call for proposals to join this new initiative.

If you have further questions on this process, please don’t hesitate to contact Soizick Martin who will be the initiative global coordinator at

Posted in Governance, News Archive

One response to “MA Governance Pilot Update and Expansion”

  1. Chimponda Micheal Bwalya says:

    The initiative is a brilliant idea which needs everyone’s support. As MA Zambia we are solidly behind this initiative for it shall help us move faster in making the Reforms a reality. In this era governance has become complex hence need to move with time

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