The Charter of Values and Global Rebrand process are being supported by a Secretariate team under the leadership of Mina Barling, Director of External Relations.

However, the leadership of both initiatives is coming from experts from within IPPF and its allies.

The Charter of Values is being of guided and shaped by the Charter of Values Guiding Group. Made up of members representing all regions, perspectives and generations, it is playing a central role in shaping the Charter, guiding its evolution and responding to the feedback received through wider consultation and dialogue.

Meet the Guiding Group here

The Global Rebrand is being supported by a Global Rebrand Committee made up of MA representatives with strong experience in branding and communications. This group supports the Global Rebrand lead to explore different approaches to the IPPF brand, feeds into consultations about how to best visually communicate the “new” IPPF to external audiences.

Meet the Rebrand Committee here

Together, these two groups will make sure that the voices and input of the MAs are integrated into the final Charter of Values and new IPPF brand, and that these documents reflect how IPPF wants to act and be seen in the world.