May 21 Global Zoom Webinar with Kate Gilmore

In her first days as the interim IPPF Board Chair, Kate Gilmore signaled a shift to a more open relationship between IPPF’s governance and membership. On May 21, she joined Alvaro Bermejo in a Federation-wide Zoom webinar that had more than 235 registered participants from all regions. During the call, she shared her bold vision of sexual and reproductive health and rights and the significant role that IPPF has to play in the global SRHR movement. It was also an opportunity for her to listen to and answer questions from the membership. The lively exchange and easy rapport with Kate gave an early sense of what the new IPPF will feel like with her leadership. If you missed the call, you can access the audio file here.

Following through with a commitment to address any questions that were not able to be taken during the call, we have posted the questions and answers received through Zoom here. Thanks to everyone who participated and submitted questions. There will be other opportunities in the future to engage with Kate and the new Board.

Posted in Governance, News Archive

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