Resource Allocation Survey Results

In June, Redstone conducted a survey of IPPF’s membership and Secretariat to inform the development of guidelines and a formula for Stream 1 in the new resource allocation system. More than 220 people responded to the survey, providing important insights that Redstone is now integrating into its work.

Key takeaways from the survey include:

  • Respondents ranked transparency as the most important value to prioritize in the new process, and sought full transparency about their own allocations and the reasons for any adjustments.
  • Respondents wanted the process to recognize different categories of MAs and tailor the approach to their needs.
  • Respondents supported using multiple measures of SRHR needs and using objective metrics for the formula.
  • Both MAs and Secretariat staff wanted performance to influence allocation decisions.
  • Respondents wanted the process to smooth out funding shifts between cycles, to prevent large funding cliffs.
  • Both MAs and Secretariat staff supported some external representation on the review committee.

A detailed presentation of the response data is available here in English, Arabic, French, and Spanish.

Posted in News Archive, Resource Allocation, Stream 1

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