Message from Alvaro: Completed WHRO Separation

Dear IPPF, I am happy to say that after the unwelcome surprise of the Western Hemisphere Regional Office (WHRO) withdrawal on 31 July, we have successfully managed to refocus on our purpose. Starting on August 1, the IPPF Board and Secretariat responded quickly to the unfolding situation. Instead of drawing out the separation we chose […]

Posted in News Archive, Regional News

Business Plan Report

The IPPF Business Plan started in 2018 when groups of internal and external stakeholders drew up the conceptual framework. The concept outlined six solutions, each with a maximum of three core initiatives. The concept and associated budgets were approved by the IPPF Governing Council in November 2018. Between April and August 2019, IPPF tendered out […]

Posted in Centres & Funds, News Archive

WHRO Withdrawal Update

“We regret the decision of the Western Hemisphere Regional Office to withdraw from the federation. IPPF has been working in the Americas for more than 70 years and we remain committed to protecting and enhancing the rights of women and girls and providing essential services in the region. We will not delay in that commitment, […]

Posted in News Archive, Regional News