Business Plan Report

The IPPF Business Plan started in 2018 when groups of internal and external stakeholders drew up the conceptual framework. The concept outlined six solutions, each with a maximum of three core initiatives. The concept and associated budgets were approved by the IPPF Governing Council in November 2018.

Between April and August 2019, IPPF tendered out a number of the Business Plan initiatives. These centres and funds have spent the first two quarters of 2020 on their start-up activities, which includes setting up structures, hiring staff and planning their delivery.

The business plan remains an important vehicle for shaping a more accountable and better-connected Federation, with the membership in the driving seat.

A new report outlines the many activities that have taken place towards the delivery of the Business Plan outcomes since its inception. At lot has happened.

You can read all about it in the report which is enclosed below.  

  • IPPF business plan implementation update June 2020 – ENGLISH

The report is only available in English at the moment.

Posted in Centres & Funds, News Archive

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