Message from Alvaro: Completed WHRO Separation

Dear IPPF,

I am happy to say that after the unwelcome surprise of the Western Hemisphere Regional Office (WHRO) withdrawal on 31 July, we have successfully managed to refocus on our purpose.

Starting on August 1, the IPPF Board and Secretariat responded quickly to the unfolding situation. Instead of drawing out the separation we chose to seek an urgent solution. This was important for a number of reasons. Firstly, we wanted to minimise disruptions to our work, especially implementing the reforms agreed in India. Secondly, we thought it best not to delay in setting up a new regional support structure in the Americas for the benefit of the remaining and new member organisations there.

The separation with WHRO is now mostly complete. From 1 September, therefore, the former regional office will no longer represent IPPF, the members or affiliates in any form or function.

The situation with the member organisations will require a bit more time to fully resolve. As part of their withdrawal, the WHRO requested all organisations in the region to renounce their membership from IPPF. To date, 14 of the 24 Member Associations in the Americas have done so. The transition out of the Federation, for these members, will last until the end of the year. Until this time, IPPF will keep the door open should any member reconsider or should the former regional office change its position on IPPF membership.

The countries where members have indicated their intention to withdraw are: 

Belize, Bolivia, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay,  Puerto Rico, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

Provided our relationship does end, we want to extend our sincerely thanks these MAs for the many years of fruitful collaboration and solidarity as part of a worldwide movement. We will, of course, remain connected in our wider mission to advance sexual and reproductive rights for the underserved and marginalised.

In all honesty, the separation process has not been easy. It has cost us all a few sleepless nights. But, now that it is done, there are also many positives to take away. 

Primarily, I have been humbled by the courage of the many Members that withstood the pressures to separate. It was and is an intense pressure. We know this was not easy and that it has come at a cost, including personal ones. The incredible Members in the USA, the Caribbean and Latin America deserve our utmost thanks and appreciation. They have demonstrated their independence and asked questions and challenged what was, I believe, an unnecessarily fraught situation.

Importantly, especially in an MA-Centric federation, they have actively expressed their vision for how a future IPPF in the region should look. We are so delighted to be able to continue forward together and to co-create a new regional support structure that meets all of our needs.

With this in mind, I must share the inspirational words I received from our Board Chair, Kate Gilmore, last night, as she was reflecting on the events:

This is a key moment to let the team spirit of IPPF run free – to celebrate the strength and vision of these brave colleagues and MAs and give to them from the rest of us all the recognition, affirmation and appreciation we can in whatever way we can – formally,  informally, directly and indirectly! 

I must also thank our donors and strategic partners, who have stood by us and very clearly expressed their determination to support IPPF on our road to change. That has been reaffirming and heartening, and our shared commitment to working collectively is what will advance a mandate that is right now under attack.  

IPPF is special place in the hearts of us all, and I know that we will emerge from this situation united and with an undiminished resolve to Change for Choice. By Choice.

In Solidarity,


NB. All communications relating to the region should be addressed to the Americas Working Group:

Posted in News Archive, Regional News

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