EU Advocacy Fact Sheets

The IPPF European Network and DSW have just launched three new fact sheets. They are designed to assist Member Associations and Regional Offices to engage in the ongoing EU allocation and programming process (see below). They can also be used more broadly to advocate for SRHR funding towards other donors and in other processes.

The fact sheets outline evidence and key arguments in relation to SRHR and three key EU priority areas (climate change, economic empowerment, digital innovation). Please download the fact sheets below, and use them in your advocacy efforts.

Call to Action

The EU is starting its new long-term budget 2021-2027. The budget will determine the EU funding available for specific sectors in a number of countries.

In order to shape the budget, the EU will run a programming process, which will entail national consultations in EU partner countries. The consultations constitute a major opportunity to influence funding allocation for SRHR which should not be missed

WHEN: The programming process is led by the EU Delegations (EUD) in EU partner countries. It will run from November 2020 to early 2021.

WHERE: The programming process is relevant for countries in Africa, Middle East, Asia, the Pacific, the Americas, the Caribbean and some non-EU European countries.

HOW: There are several things you, as an MA, can do to seize this opportunity:

  • Include EU Delegations in your advocacy plans and in your list of advocacy targets
  • Reach out to your EU Delegation to get invited to the consultation meetings
  • Share materials/messages with your EU Delegation on the inclusion of SRHR in programming
  • Involve allies and political champions in programming consultations 

For more information contact Marie Tempesta:

See also “how to engage with EU delegations”

Posted in News Archive, Resource Allocation

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