Request for Concepts

Stream 2 Consortium Channel

IPPF’s stream-based resource allocation model is now fully operational. Stream 2, also known as the Strategic Fund, is today launching a Request for Concepts.

A total of USD 2.54 million is available for a single MA-led consortium over a two-year period.

The main priority for the 2021 grant, as agreed by the IPPF Board, is ‘Enabling and Delivering a Gender Transformative Programme on Medical Abortion Self Care’.

For more details, please download the Request for Concepts here:

If you would like to submit a concept note as lead of a consortium, you should submit an email stating your intention by no later than 6 April 2021. The email should be sent to with the subject line “Expression of Interest”.

Once you submit the expression of interest, we will share the consortium application form which needs to be completed by 30 April 2021 (see timeline below).

On 14 April, the Secretariat will host webinars to answer questions relating to the process and theme. We will post the link closer to the date.

Timeline/ Key Milestones

24 March          Request for Concept Notes issued

06 April             Deadline for expression of interest to

On-going support to applicants, through FAQs page and direct engagements

30 April            Deadline for submission of Concepts Notes

03 May             Technical Review Panel individually receive Concepts Notes

07 May             Technical Review Panel convene to agree final Concept Note scores

14 May             Decision Making Panel convenes to take final decision on Concept Notes

20 May             Successful applicants informed, with feedback for changes where required

On-going support to successful applicants to develop full proposal

25 June             Start up work plan and budget submitted. 

01 July              Contracts signed

15 July              Project implementation commences

If you have questions please write to us on

Posted in News Archive, Resource Allocation, SRHR, Stream 2

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