Stream 2 Consortium

Stream 2: Global Care – A consortium for self-managed medical abortion

Dear colleagues,

During the 2019-2020 reform we adopted a new stream-based resource allocation model, which included a Strategic Fund (stream 2) to help us accelerate areas of our strategic framework in an ever-changing global SRHR environment.

In March, the Strategic Fund published a funding opportunity for a member-led consortium to pilot cross-regional projects on the theme of gender transformative medical abortion self-care. The theme was decided by the IPPF Board in recognition of the need to advance our collective effort in this important area.

It was truly inspiring to see how many MAs reached out across borders and continents to be involved. The MA Forum was abuzz with activity. In the end we received 3 solid concepts notes, led by MAs in three different regions, and with consortium members spanning all parts of the Federation. To review the concepts, we followed a two-step approach, which included a detailed technical review and scoring, followed by a final review by a tender panel, consisting of a majority of MA Directors with no conflict of interest, a private foundation donor and I.

The reviewing and scoring process was made difficult by the high quality of the three submitted concepts. Ultimately, however, both the technical team and the tender panel were unanimous. They both scored the consortium led by Profamilia-Colombia the highest. The Global Care consortium consists of 11 Member Associations from 3 regions as well as an external partner. The proposal is a superb example of what is possible when members collaborate from a place of passion and commitment to the shared mission.

The consortium will now commence the work of developing detailed plans, budgets and result frameworks. They aim to begin work by end July 2021, if not sooner. The project will, at a minimum, run until July 2023.

Please join me in congratulating the Global Care Consortium. We look forward to seeing them grow and the impact that they will have in the lives of women in their countries and hopefully across the Federation.

We will be launching a new call for the Consortium Channel next year and hope to see new consortia formed to address a strategic issue to help better our Federation.

In Solidarity,


Posted in News Archive, Stream 2

5 responses to “Stream 2 Consortium”

  1. Jackson Chekweko says:

    Dear Alvaro,

    Thank you for the update and the inclusive process deployed in the selection of the winning consortium for stream 2. We join others to congratulate the Global Care Consortium and Profamilia-Colombia for the no mean achievement. We as a federation shall all benefit from the outcomes of the efforts of the consortium.

  2. Dr. Kalpana Apte says:

    Congratulations to Team Profamilia for this wonderful success! We are looking forward to learning from your innovative work!

  3. SFHA Mauala says:

    Grateful for the initiative and the subsequent outcome.

    Regards from SFHA Mauala

  4. Nino Tsuleiskiri says:

    Congratulations to Profamilia Team! Looking forward to future joint innovative initiatives.

  5. Marta Royo says:

    On behalf of Profamilia and its work team, we would like to thank IPPF, the teams that reviewed and selected the proposal we submitted Global Care: The Global Consortium for Abortion Self-Care, the other organizations that also submitted excellent proposals, and all those who have sent us their congratulations and messages of encouragement. This opportunity represents an enormous challenge but also a great responsibility to all of us.

    We are excited, super grateful for the opportunity and ready to share the development of the work of each of the consortium members with the entire federation and its members as the project evolves!

    Warm regards,

    Marta Royo
    Profamilia Colombia

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