IMAP Statement – Reproductive Health in a time of Covid-19

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to share with you all our most recent IMAP (International Medical Advisory Panel) statement on Reproductive Health during a time of COVID-19 – which was approved in April 2020. This statement summarizes the available emerging evidence relating to COVID-19 and vaccination in pregnancy and in using the combined hormonal contraception (CHC). It is intended to support and guide IPPF Member Associations and other sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), humanitarian and development organizations regarding COVID-19 and vaccination and the impact on delivery of sexual and reproductive healthcare (SRH). It covers issues related to advocacy to address health inequalities and stigma, in addition to medical and service delivery recommendations, evidence and practical guidance from the scientific community. It complements the 2020 IMAP Statement on COVID-19 and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights IMAP Statement on COVID-19 impact on SRHR – English.pdf ( and the IPPF COVID-19 Duty of Care Recommendations for Humanitarian Contexts IPPF COVID-19 Duty of Care Recommendations for Humanitarian Contexts | IPPF (

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