A call to action two years on from the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) + 25 Nairobi Summit

We are delighted to invite you to Sexual and reproductive justice now! on Monday 6th December 2021, at 10:00-11:15 BRT / 13:00-14:15 GMT/ 18:30-19:45 IST. Please register in the flyer pasted below or you can register here:

Webinar Registration – Zoom

In 2019, over 8,300 people from 172 countries gathered at the Nairobi Summit to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the landmark Programme of Action adopted at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo. Over 1,300 commitments were made by Governments, civil society and the private sector that were accompanied by 12 global commitments to achieve ICPD goals.  The independent High-Level Commission of the Nairobi Summit  (HLC), was tasked with submitting periodic reports to the United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA.  

Two years later, no region is on track for achieving its commitments.  

SheDecides 25×25 youth leaders will discussing the first HLC report No Exceptions, No Exclusions with high-level commissioners at two years of the Nairobi Summit. Speakers will also analyse key international examples of what is holding SRHR back and how we can move SRHR forward, namely the impact of the UK government’s International aid cuts and the permanent repeal of the Global Gag Rule.  

 Zuhura the African Lioness will set the scene with an opening poem and Ipsita Divedi will capture the discussion reflections in a live graphic recording. A full list of speakers is available upon registration.  

The event will have simultaneous interpretation into French, Spanish, Arabic and International Sign Language Thanks for disseminating widely among your networks, you will find below flyers in several languages.

This is a crucial moment for sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide. We would love you to be part of this conversation to take urgent action together.  

Yours sincerely, 

Karin Nilsson, Lead SheDecides Support Unit Alvaro Bermejo, IPPF Director General

Posted in Front Page, News Archive

One response to “SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE NOW! Webinar 6 December 2021”

  1. Mroimana Youssouf MOUSTOIFA says:

    Très intéressant

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