Meet Kenya’s Celebrated ‘King of Condoms’, Stanley Ngara

1 December 2021, World AIDS Day. Stanley Ngara, from Kenya, is commonly known as the ‘King of Condom’. Stanley spends his days educating people about safe sex practices and distributing condoms. He distributes condoms -for free- to different groups of people among them youth, sex workers, boda boda riders, university students, market traders and even drug users. Stanley is passionate about raising awareness on issues of sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR), including HIV and AIDS.

IPPF Africa Region met Stanley during one of his regular outreach activities in his home area of Kiambu County, located in Kenya’s Central region, and brings you his story. IPPF supports champions like Stanley, who are committed to raising awareness on different SRHR issues in their communities.

On this World AIDS Day 2021, we celebrate Stanley and all other SRHR champions who are making significant contributions in the society, more so towards the attainment of the health goals in their countries.

See the short version of Stanley’s story: Meet Kenya’s King of Condoms, Stanley Ngara

This feature was co-produced by IPPF Africa Region and Darbrun Production Company (Nairobi).

Meet Kenya’s King of Condoms, Stanley Ngara on Vimeo

Posted in Front Page, News Archive, Regional News

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