International Medical Advisory Panel (IMAP) on Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Adolescents in Protracted Humanitarian Settings.

Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to share with you the latest statement from the International Medical Advisory Panel (IMAP): Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Adolescents in Protracted Humanitarian Settings.   The IMAP statement summarizes available evidence on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive (ASRH) and the specific needs of Adolescents living in protracted humanitarian settings. It is intended to inform IPPF […]

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Increasing Young People’s Access to Contraception in Yumbe, Uganda

Harriet, 18, from Yumbe, Uganda is the fifth child in a family of seven (four girls and three boys). She is the only sister in school, the rest having dropped out due to teenage pregnancies. While she is sexually active with her boyfriend, Harriet uses family planning to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. She learnt about family planning while attending a health education session […]

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Senegal rejects bid to toughen strict anti-LGBT law

DAKAR, Jan 5 (Reuters) – Senegalese lawmakers on Tuesday stopped from passing to parliamentary vote a draft bill that sought to toughen already severe laws against same-sex relations. Gay sex is punishable by up to five years in prison in Senegal, where arrests and prosecutions have risen sharply, according to a 2020 global review by […]

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