Identifying Advocacy Successes!


MAs requested support to strengthen their teams capacity to do effective advocacy. 

In response to this, the IPPF Advocacy Team partnered with the AFP/ JHU Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health for a taster on SMART Advocacy that was convened on Tuesday, 1st February.

The session was co-facilitated by AFP, IPPF, Reproductive Health Uganda and MEXFAM. 

MEXFAM (Leticia Martinez Martinez  AND RHU (Doreen Kasiime) shared national experiences and amazing results using this approach. Influencing state policies on abortion and engaging local leaders to support sexual and reproductive health.

The interactive session was attended by 129 staff from IPPF and MA from all regions. Below is a jamboard of one of the exercises:

Jam Board

Don’t hesitate to write to Ruth Ayarza  Advocacy Coordinator if you would like to know more. The advocacy team can support MA to MA exchanges on their use of this advocacy approach (or other approaches), sharing material and providing support. 

Posted in News Archive

3 responses to “Identifying Advocacy Successes!”

  1. Doreen Kansiime says:

    Thanks Ruth and team for such an amazing engagement,loved every bit and it provided a platform for learning.

  2. Ruth Ayarza says:

    Adinew the SRHR/ Advocacy grant (GAC funding) that FGAE is implementing can be a vehicle for this. Lets make a sharing session on FGAE CSE national advocacy a reality. There are so many MA initiatives in this area. Lets define a date and get this to happen.

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