Strategy 2028 Survey 1

Round 1 Consultation Feedback Thank you to everyone who participated in Round 1 of the Strategy 2028 consultation. There was a lot of input received, which has gone into producing draft 2. In total, 282 people from all corners of the Federation joined the two zoom consultations. We receved loads of detailed input forms, and […]

Posted in News Archive, Strategy2028

Abortion Care Guidelines

WHO Release New Abortion Care Guidelines Dear colleagues,  The World Health Organization has recently launched their new Abortion Care Guideline (2022). This is an updated consolidated guideline, which replaces all previous guidelines and related products.  “These guidelines represent the latest, evidence-based best practice in abortion care. They provide essential recommendations to guide and support health systems, […]

Posted in News Archive

How IPPF is supporting the Ukraine Refugee Crisis

Dear Colleagues   As the war enters its second month in Ukraine, almost 10 million people in the country have been displaced. With over 6 million internally displaced persons and more than 3 million who have crossed international borders into other countries – making it the largest refugee crisis Europe has seen since the second World […]

Posted in News Archive