Come Together: Draft 3

Board Meeting On June 18, the IPPF Board met in Marrakech, Morocco. Due to the COVID pandemic, it was their first face to face meeting since the 2020 transition to the new governance structure. The board devoted two separate sessions to the draft strategy, Come Together.  The board were impressed with the document and they […]

Posted in News Archive, Strategy2028

Global statement condemning Roe v Wade decision / Déclaration mondiale condamnant la décision Roe v Wade / Declaración global que condena la decisión Roe v Wade

Sign onto the statement! Please fill in the form to sign the public statement by organisations dedicated to providing and supporting healthcare, which has been been written in anticipation of the  Roe v Wade decision of the US Supreme Court that is expected sometime in June. The statement will be made public after the Supreme Court’s […]

Posted in Front Page, News Archive

IPPF YSVF Innovation Challenge Awards

A strategic resolve to accelerate the global IPPF youth programme led to the inception of the Youth Social Venture Fund (YSVF) in 2020, hosted by Family Planning Association of India (FPA India). The IPPF YSVF aims to support tech-innovations developed by young innovators that reduce access gaps and promote self-care in the SRHR space. We […]

Posted in Front Page, News Archive

The Choice Agenda: A new global advocacy forum

The latest in HIV prevention research Never has HIV prevention research—including implementation—been more exciting, more complicated, or more fraught. The Choice Agenda is a new global forum for advocacy on the latest in HIV prevention research led by Jim Pickett. Join the monthly webinars and the highly active and moderated listserv to discover, discuss and […]

Posted in News Archive

Consortium FAQs

The deadline for submission of final proposals to the consortium channel is 8 July 2022. So far, More than 20 Member Associations have expressed an interest in leading a consortium. At a recent meeting they were able to ask questions about the process. Some Members also posted questions via email. Here is a list of […]

Posted in News Archive, Stream 2, Youth

IPPF Photography Guidelines

The IPPF Photography guidelines are used to ensure that we have ethical standards when we take or use images of people in our work. We are uploading the following documents below and you can use in your work. IPPF Consent Form (En, Fr, Es, Ara) IPPF ‘How your Image Will be Used’ guide (EN, FR, […]

Posted in Front Page, SRHR

IPPF Internal Briefing Paper

Roe v Wade SCOTUS Decision When the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decision on Roe v Wade is announced in late June, IPPF will be ready with advocacy messages, strategies and outreach to lead on global, regional, and local responses. If (as expected) Roe is gutted and the right to abortion is no longer guaranteed to […]

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