Come Together: Draft 3

Board Meeting

On June 18, the IPPF Board met in Marrakech, Morocco. Due to the COVID pandemic, it was their first face to face meeting since the 2020 transition to the new governance structure.

The board devoted two separate sessions to the draft strategy, Come Together.  The board were impressed with the document and they commended the Committee for Strategy, Investment and Policy for leading the strategy design process over an 18-month period.

The board, who were actively engaged in the design process, particularly appreciated the appetite for change among the IPPF members and staff. They found that the strategy was both ambitious and relevant.

The board signed off on the draft and will now prepare to share it with the Federation.

Draft 3 Release

Draft 3 of the strategy has been through extensive consultations. Member Associations and Staff provided input between early and late May. The IPPF donors, partners and Board spent considerable time between late May and mid-June discussing early versions of the draft. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

The final draft 3 is due to be released on 14 July in the four languages.

Indicative Vote

A week later, on 20 July, the Board will put the draft to an indicative vote among eligible Member Associations. Each MA will have a single vote. They will be able to vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the draft. They will also be able qualify why they voted as they did. The final results will be shared via the MA Forum and posted, also, on the Strategy 2028 website.

The vote will allow us all to proceed with the 2023-25 Business Planning in alignment with the new strategy.

To help with this process, the Board will schedule a series of zoom conversations with IPPF members to discuss how we will implement it and the change it can bring to the federation. The Board conversations will take place in August and September.

It is important to note that the strategy will remain in draft form even after the indicative vote. The strategy will only become official after it is discussed and formally adopted at the General Assembly in Colombia.

If you have questions or comments, please post them below, or send an email to

Posted in News Archive, Strategy2028

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