Updated: Strategy Vote

Indicative Vote Results

Between 20 July and 2 August the 108 full member associations of IPPF were invited to an indicative vote for the draft IPPF Strategy 2023-28: Come Together.

Six votes were cast after the voting link closed. The last of these votes was added on 15 August. This means the results are as follows:

84Endorsed the Strategy as it is currently written  
1Did not endorse the Strategy as it is currently written  
23Did not Vote  

The endorsement of the strategy as it is currently formulated stands at 78% of everyone eligible. Of those who did vote, 99% endorsed the strategy. MAs from all regions voted.

The large number of MAs who have endorsed the strategy means that the remaining planning and strategy processes can now proceed unimpeded. This includes consultations and finalising of the results framework as well as providing support to the MAs that are currently working on their Business Plans, while ensuring alignment with the strategy.

Please note that the strategy will only become official once the General Assembly approves it.

Posted in Governance, MA Voices, News Archive, Strategy2028, Stream 1

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