PPAG Partners National Youth Authority to Commemorate International Youth Day ‘22

PPAG Partners National Youth Authority to Commemorate International Youth Day ‘22

The Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG) has partnered with Ghana’s National Youth Authority and other Civil Society organisations in commemoration of this year’s International Youth Day with the maiden National Youth Conference, under the theme; “Intergenerational Solidarity: Creating a World for all Ages’’.

As part of activities marking the conference day, PPAG run an exhibition on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) information, education, services to over 3, 000 youth gathered at the event. These included contraceptive use, issues of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV), teenage pregnancy and on making informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health. It was an opportunity to demonstrate condom use to many participants.

These youth interacted with PPAG’s peer educators and Youth Action Movement (YAM-GHANA), and their consent was sought to be enrolled into YAM GHANA to be reached with contents on SRHR education and information at regular intervals.

This forms part of PPAG’s resolve to offer unhindered access to reproductive health information, education and services aimed at enabling young people to make informed choices about their sexual health, that if not attended to, translates into barriers and obstacles that deeply impact youth wellbeing and livelihoods not only during the youthful years, but with the potential of impacting their adulthood and society as a whole.

The National Youth Authority as the apex body for youth development in Ghana with the mandate of effecting policy in the areas of job creation, health, entrepreneurship, education for the betterment of the youth.

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