World Humanitarian Day

World Humanitarian Day 2022: It Takes a Village

Today is World Humanitarian Day, and this year’s campaign shines a light on the thousands of volunteers, professionals, and crisis-affected people who deliver urgent health care, shelter, food, protection, water, and much more. Watch this short, powerful video that highlights IPPF’s humanitarian response to the Tigray crisis in northern Ethiopia.

Responding to Cyclone Ana in Malawi

Responding to Cyclone Ana in Malawi

Cyclone Ana hit southern Malawi in January 2022, leaving many with no shelter or power, or food as many fields were destroyed. Delivering for women and girls affected by floods was critical during this time. Learn more about how the Family Planning Association of Malawi supported three districts with SRH services during the crisis in this video.

Posted in Front Page, MA Voices, News Archive

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