In conjunction with World Contraception Day, we are thrilled to announce the launch of the Asia and Pacific FP2030 Regional Hub, located in Kuala Lumpur and hosted by IPPF ESEAOR. This is the fourth FP2030 Regional Hub, preceded by hubs in North America, Europe and Africa, and is part of the ongoing transition from a single FP2030 secretariat office in the United States to a global support structure.

In a special interview, IPPF Board Chair Kate Gilmore, and IPPF ESEAOR Regional Director Tomoko Fukuda discusses the opportunities that lie ahead in this exciting new phase of our partnership with FP2030. Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLxmQHHwEx4

We would like to invite you to amplify this announcement widely within the IPPF community of members, allies, and partners, in the hope that it brings awareness to our efforts to turn the spotlight on sexual and reproductive health and rights as an essential part of global development and continuous development in the Asia Pacific region.

Watch the video announcement (10 min):

Find the amplification toolkit for social media here:

FP2030 Asia & Pacific Hub Launch
Social Media Toolkit


September 26, 2022


On September 26, 2022, FP2030 will announce the location of the Asia & Pacific Hub, hosted by the International Planned Parenthood Federation East and Southeast Asia and Oceania Region (IPPF ESEAOR).

FP2030 is the new global partnership for family planning. Building on the strengths and successes of FP2020, the architecture of the FP2030 partnership is designed to promote country leadership and meaningful engagement with civil society within a transparent governance structure. 

Five regional hubs will coordinate and support country-specific activities, while remaining connected to the global family planning community. Four of the hubs will support commitment-makers in specific geographies: North, West, and Central Africa; East and Southern Africa; Asia and the Pacific; and Latin America and the Caribbean. The fifth hub will support the entire network with communications, data, and advocacy, while also supporting commitment-makers in North America and Europe.






@FP2030Global (Twitter, Instagram)
@ESEAOR_IPPF (Twitter)



Launch Video

Sample Messages for partners

Congratulations to @FP2030Global for launching their fourth regional hub. Welcome to the Asia & Pacific Region 👏 #FP2030Partnership #buildingFP2030

Congratulations to @FP2030Global on reaching the next phase of their shift to a regional structure with the announcement of their new Asia & Pacific regional hub 🎉 #FP2030Partnership #BuildingFP2030 

Today, as we celebrate World Contraception Day, a big congratulations to the @FP2030Global team and their expansion into the Asia & Pacific region. #WCD2022 #FP2030Partnership

Looking forward to working with @ESEAOR_IPPF with @FP2030 – together we’ll have deeper connections and more opportunities in the #AsiaAndPacific region than ever. #WCD2022 #BuildingFP2030

With IPPF as one of the first FP2020 and FP2030 commitment makers, @ESEAOR_IPPF is a natural bridge for FP2030 in the region. Congrats, @FP2030Global on your latest regional hub! #WCD2022

Looking forward to more support than ever before as an @FP2030Global commitment maker! So excited to see what the partnership with @ESEAOR_IPPF will bring to this region. #WCD2022 #BuildingFP2030

Talk about a #PowerCouple! Together, @FP2030Global and @ESEAOR_IPPF can unlock more progress than ever before for people looking to control their fertility in the Asia & Pacific region. Looking forward to working together! #WCD2022

One centralized Secretariat? Not anymore! We have ️4️⃣ regional hubs now onboard, with the Asia and Pacific Hub, hosted by @ESEAOR_IPPF announced today. Look out for regional hub 5️⃣ in Latin America early next year!

We’re thrilled to announce regional hub 4️⃣ of 5️⃣ today! The Asia & Pacific Hub will be hosted by @ESEAOR_IPPF and based in Kuala Lumpur. #WCD2022

Sample messages (internal) 

We are thrilled to announce the newest member of the #FP2030Partnership 🎉

@ESEAOR_IPPF, thank you for being our newest regional hub host!

Thank you to @ESEAOR_IPPF for being our newest host! Hosting the Asia & Pacific Hub in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! #BuildingFP2030

Today, on World Contraception Day, FP2030 is pleased to announce the launch of the Asia &nPacific Hub, hosted by IPPF Malaysia. Thank you @ESEAOR_IPPF and welcome to the #FP2030Partnership #WCD2022

Posted in News Archive

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