A Strategy to lead us!

By Ammal Awadallah – Executive Director

Palestinian Family Planning & Protection Association (PFPPA)

As the Executive Director of the Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association (PFPPA), it has been exciting to see the changes in the IPPF evolve in the past years. Since working with the Association in 2006, I started when the IPPF Strategic framework focused on the 5As: Adolescents, Access, AIDS, Abortion and Advocacy which has been exciting to see the direction of the Federation evolving to that being proposed for the years 2023 – 2028. I can see in the new strategy the reflection of the lessons learned and hard work of the IPPF worldwide in the past few decades, and at the same time it is evident that the Federation is also in alignment with the global development in respect to technology and power of social movements.

On a personal basis and as an MA working in the Palestinian context it is great to see the strategy being centered on “people”, “choice” ”moving agendas”, “solidarity”  and “nurturing the federation”.  Working in a very complex humanitarian setting it has always been essential to our work that we can work respecting our country context and at the same time being connected globally and working in solidarity with other MAs around the world on the essence of having Sexual Reproductive Health Rights and Services based on a Human Rights approach being respected, accessible and affordable inclusively for all people with dignity and without any form of discrimination or stigmatization.

I have also witnessed rooted changes within the IPPF through the Reform process, the Federation actually having a good look in the mirror and willing to be transparent and vulnerable towards donors, and more importantly to itself and deciding that it is time to make a change and not any change but a full uprooted change from within. In my opinion, I have always said it is not the criticism or opinions of others that matters the most, but what mostly matters is one’s self-criticism, what we think of ourselves and being able to be proud that we are doing the best job we can for those that we serve which is reflected in our new upcoming strategy.

Ammal Awadallah  Executive Director

Palestinian Family Planning & Protection Association (PFPPA)

Wadi Al-Joze – Jerusalem- Palestine

E-mail: director@pfppa.org

+972-54-2895655/ 02-6283636/ 02-6280630 

Website: www.pfppa.org

Posted in Front Page, MA Voices, Regional News

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