The General Assembly 2022: Purpose-Driven Governance Leadership

In a successful federation, all members fulfil their roles and responsibilities and contribute to a group’s shared vision. IPPF follows the same league by fulfilling its commitments and following its non-negotiable values – social inclusion, diversity, passion, volunteerism, and accountability. IPPF’s governance structure leads this process through its high-performing governing bodies – General Assembly (GA), Nomination and Governance Committee (NGC), Board of Trustees (BoT), and Board Committees (BCs).

The GA is the peak governing body for strategic and policy decisions. IPPF holds the GA once every three years bringing together Member Associations(MAs) delegates who decide collectively, fairly, and transparently on the various issues before them. The governance leaders (viz. Board Chair/President, Youth Representative) of MAs with full membership status, vote in the Federation’s highest level of decision-making opportunities. 

This November (22-24), IPPF will host its first General Assembly (GA) in Bogota, Colombia, since the 2019 governance reform held in Delhi, India. In this governance event, the following four governance areas will be high on the agenda – accountability, leadership transition,  governance modernisation and strategic framework:

  • The first agenda item is practising accountability, a cornerstone of good and effective governance. Under this, the NGC and the BoT will present progress, achievements, and learnings since their appointment, along with the  way forward outlook.
  • The second agenda item is deciding on proposed candidates for vacant governance positions in the NGC and the BoT.
  • The third agenda item is to make amendments to IPPF Regulations and Procedural Bylaws to modernise and customise structures for effective governance. These introduce the Board Vice-Chair in place of the Treasurer position and Americas and the Caribbean to replace Western Hemisphere Region.
  • Finally, the approval of the IPPF Strategy 2028

These decisions by Full Members Associations will set the milestones to accelerate the Federation’s long-term progression, stability, accountability and sustainability.

For more information you can contact: Achille Togbeto

Posted in News Archive

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