Cervical Cancer Awareness Week!

Dear MA’s

Happy New Year and hope its been a good start to you all for 2023!

In advance of Cervical Cancer Awareness Week 23-29 January, IPPF wants some interesting case studies to showcase self-sampling for cervical cancer screening. Self-sampling is a new method of HPV testing that can be performed on vaginal samples collected by the patient. This is a safe and easy approach that can reach women that otherwise would not participate in a clinician-based screening or have access to a screening test. 

We are gathering quotes from clients that have chosen this method or from MA clinicians that offer this option.

Sample question for clients: 

  1. Can you describe your experience with self-sampling for cervical cancer? 

Sample question for clinicians:

  1. Is the self-sampling method helping to screen more people in your community for cervical cancer? 

We are specifically looking for quotes from clients/clinicians in countries that offer self-sampling, which are: Argentina, Australia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Myanmar, Sweden, Albania, Kenya, Guatemala, Honduras, Malaysia, Netherlands, Peru, Rwanda and Uganda. However, if you are outside of these countries and would still like to share a case study about cervical cancer screening, please do get in touch. 

Please email Maxine Betteridge-Moes, IPPF Digital Communications Advisor (mmoes@ippf.org) if you are able to help gather or share case studies.

Posted in News Archive

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