Call for Applications: IPPF Anti-Racism Learning Cohort 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Anti-Racism Learning Cohort for the year 2024. This cohort aims to deepen understanding, foster dialogue, and drive meaningful action to address racism within our organization and beyond.

As a global federation committed to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), IPPF recognizes that systemic racism continues to disproportionately impact marginalized communities worldwide, hindering our collective efforts towards achieving health equity and social justice. In response, IPPF is dedicated to building a more inclusive and equitable environment for all individuals, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, or background.

The Anti-Racism Learning Cohort will provide a structured platform for member associations to engage in critical conversations, self-reflection, and learning experiences focused on:

  • Understanding the historical and contemporary manifestations of racism.
    • Decolonizing Our Minds: Understanding Colonialism and Its Legacies  and linkages to SRHR
  • Exploring the intersections of racism with other forms of oppression, including sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia.
    • Unpacking Reproductive Justice and Intersectionality
  • Examining implicit biases and privilege, and their impact on organizational culture and practices.
    • Equity and Inclusion in Practice – How can we shift power in research and partnerships?
  • Developing strategies for promoting anti-racism principles and fostering inclusive workplaces and programs.
    • Toward Justice: Strategies for Anti-Racism, Activism and Movement Building
  • Amplifying the voices and perspectives of communities affected by racism in the design and implementation of SRHR initiatives and creating community interventions.

The cohort will consist of a series of virtual workshops, facilitated discussions, interactive exercises, and resource sharing over a period of three months, beginning in September and concluding in October 2024. Participants will engage with experts in the field, share best practices, and collaborate on action plans tailored to their respective contexts.

We invite member associations, staff, volunteers and youth advocates from diverse backgrounds and regions to apply for participation in this transformative learning journey. Candidates with a demonstrated commitment to advancing racial justice and equity within their communities and organizations are encouraged to apply.

To apply for the Anti-Racism Learning Cohort, please complete the online application form by 30 June 2024. You can apply here:

OR you can send an email application with your Name, e-mail, MA Name and country as well as your position and why you would like to be a part of the learning cohort. YOU CAN ALSO POST THESE IN THE CHAT BELOW – AS YOUR APPLICATION.

OR send an email with your Name, e-mail, MA Name and country as well as your position and why you would like to be a part of the learning cohort to

Successful applicants will be notified by 30 July 2024

Let us join up in our collective pursuit of a world free from racism and discrimination. Together, we can create positive change and uphold the principles of dignity, equality, and justice for all.

For inquiries and further information, please contact the IPPF Anti Racism Working Group on the following email:


MA Forum Team

Posted in News Archive

4 responses to “Call for Applications: IPPF Anti-Racism Learning Cohort 2024”

  1. Ghedira fethi says:

    Je suis intéressé,de faire part de ce cohorte d apprentissage sur l antiraciste, un sujet intéressant dont j ai déjà fait parti lors de l AG de l IPPF à Bogota,merci

  2. Nguelem says:


  3. Nguelem says:

    J’aimerai qu’on puisse mettre en place une stratégie commune en fonction des réalités des différents pays des Associations Membres de l’IPPF afin de proposer des solutions pour la lutte contre le racisme et de renforcer la politique de la région Afrique de l’IPPF pour la lutte contre le racisme et ses diverses formes.

  4. BOSSOU Ahoueffa Armande says:

    Je souhaiterais bénéficier de cette orientation en vue d’avoir des informations et connaissances pour lutter contre les inégalités sociales .

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