Update on Stream 1 Consultancy

Dear IPPF,

We wanted to share an update on our work to support the new resource allocation process. We will be supporting the development of a new process to allocate unrestricted core funds (Stream 1). We kicked off our work with the Resource Allocation Support Team (RAST) in early March. We have already benefitted immensely from the great work of the Independent Resource Allocation Commission (IRAC) and the recommendations that you made at your historic General Assembly in New Delhi. Our work will be done within the parameters you have set.  

To gather further context, we have reviewed past reports of the current allocation model, and the associated data. We also reached out to a diverse set of 18 IPPF stakeholders for initial consultations. Those conversations revealed significant enthusiasm for this new process, helped clarify areas of consensus around the allocation reforms, and surfaced some outstanding questions. We plan to use the next few months to work through these outstanding questions and develop a more specific proposal with your input.

Specifically, we are excited about a forthcoming survey, which we will launch in the second half of April, that will let us hear directly from you. Your input will help us narrow in on a more detailed approach for the allocation process and its formula.

Over the next few months, we plan to flesh out additional details based on feedback from you, the  members, as well as the Transition Committee, the Director’s Leadership Team, and the GC. We also plan to conduct additional expert interviews, and to further research the allocation practices of other similar organizations (e.g., the Global Fund, World Health Organization). We will synthesize these into a set of proposed guidelines and share these on this website to enable all members to comment. Feedback will be incorporated into a final formula, which will go to the new Board for approval.

In addition to the forthcoming survey and public comment period on the future proposal, we always enjoy hearing from members of the Federation. If you have specific thoughts you would like to pass on to us, please don’t hesitate to email Sam and Lee at samgreenberg@redstonestrategy.com and leegreen@redstonestrategy.com.

Sam and Lee

Redstone Strategy Group

Posted in News Archive, Resource Allocation, Stream 1

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