BoT and NGC Recruitment update

Applications for the Board of Trustees and the Nominations and Governance Committee closed on the 27th March. A total of 232 applications were received. There was a 50:50 split between women and men, with 10% of applications coming from young people under 25 years of age; 25% of applicants identified as being from at-risk or underserved populations. Across all applications there was more interest from Africa, South Asia and Europe. In the Western Hemisphere there was more interest from North America than Latin America. There were fewer applications from ESEAOR and the Arab World.

Thirty-eight candidates were invited for interview. These candidates covered the diversity targets and full range of skills sets that had been agreed by the General Assembly last year. The interviews took place over nine days 18-26 April. Due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, the Transition Committee used a virtual forum that allowed for simultaneous interpretation to conduct the interviews.

The Transition Committee are meeting on the 29th April to make a final decision on the slate of 15 names for the BoT and seven names for the NGC. These names will be submitted to the Governing Council for final approval at their meeting in mid-May.

Posted in Governance, News Archive, Reform

2 responses to “BoT and NGC Recruitment update”

  1. Jacob mulotwa mutambo says:

    Impressive works by the transition team.

  2. Erasmo Mbemba says:

    This is great. We appreciate

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