Comments Page for Western Hemisphere Regional Office’s withdrawal

This page is devoted to the many comments we have received from the IPPF Membership in relation to the WHRO withdrawal.

The comments range from shock to sadness and frustration. Above all, there is a strong sense of solidarity among the IPPF membership.

The comments below are drawn from the chat function during the two meetings.

Posted in News Archive, Regional News

14 responses to “Comments Page for Western Hemisphere Regional Office’s withdrawal”

  1. MA, Western Hemisphere says:

    We value being part of a global framework…Ultimately, especially when sexual and reproductive rights are being threatened globally, we need to be unified, international in scope and focused on our mission.

  2. MA Europe says:

    [We] strongly continue to support the federation and the reform process.

  3. MA, Western Hemisphere says:

    Some of the MAs in the regional feel that not enough attention were been paid to them by Global.

  4. MA, Africa says:

    [We are] fully in solidarity with the DG and the leadership of IPPF in the implementation of the reforms. I applaud the BOT for giving the WHR an opportunity for dialogue

  5. MA, Western Hemisphere says:

    [We] want to continue to share our solidarity with Alvaro, Kate and the IPPF team. We look forward to future discussions to strengthen our collaboration and partnership.

  6. MA, Africa says:

    It is clear that somehow someone has a hidden motive for this and is using this to destabilize the IPPF family. You have our unwavering support and commend the manner you have handled this issue.

  7. MA, South Asia says:

    “We are with the Federation forever”
    “You will find us standing with you shoulder to shoulder”
    “We are a unified and global federation and will remain so.”

  8. MA, Arab World says:

    Let us focus on our vision and mission and objectives

  9. MA, ESEAO says:

    We stand with you and we believe in you. We will uphold our long-standing commitment and we stand in solidarity with you, Alvaro.

    [We] fully support your open-door approach so as to enable the openminded MAs to reconsider the sudden withdrawal of their membership. In solidarity we are with you.

  10. Luzia Munete, AMODEFA, Mozambique says:

    Received as a letter:

    We received the information about the withdrawal of the Western Hemisphere Region with great sadness and surprise, especially in the light of the progress made in Delhi…We remain committed to a united federation in the five regions. Together we are much stronger.

  11. Julia says:

    We will move on and we will be stronger.

  12. Taha Al-Samawi says:

    I support the open-door approach so as to enable the openminded MAs to reconsider the sudden withdrawal of their membership.

    Also Let focus accelerating the reform of IPPF.

  13. Sami Natsheh says:

    Any change is naturally met with opposition,we are in the Arab world look with regret at the withdrawal of regional organizations in the whr , which we consider partners in the concepts of sexual health and that their role was prominent at the beginning of the change, but at the same time we must respect the upcoming change that aims to improve the situation In the world in general, and this is what was agreed upon in New Delhi at the end of 2019, as the change for everyone must be equal and not inclined to moodiness.
    Together for a change for the better

  14. Sidiki KONE: Président AMPPF (AM) du Mali says:

    Merci à vous cher Alvaro pour cette mise à jour.

    La demarche et le style utilisés sont très professionnels car dans ce genre de situation, il faut avancer avec prudence, tact et méthode pour maintenir notre action qui profite et qui continue de profiter au bien-être des populations qui aspirent encore et encore à un bien-être, à plus de droits et d’égalité de genre.

    Puisque toutes les AMs ne s’inscrivent pas dans cette logique de séparation dans cette région, il faut oeuvrer à garantir la présence de l’IPPF à leurs côtés pour leur permettre de renforcer leurs capacités d’actions au profit de leur population.

    Aussi, comment enrôler des associations membres dans les pays qui s’inscrivent dans la dynamique de rupture avec le bureau régional ou comment développer une architecture d’actions qui facilitent aux AMs restantes une couverture plus large des besoins des populations de la zone concernée.

    De mon point de vue, l’IPPF devra garantir aux populations de la zone l,’accès aux services de DSSR.

    Du courage au Directeur régional et toute ses équipes du secrétariat mondial et des bureaux régionaux pour l’excellent travail que je trouve hautement professionnel dans un cadre où les AMs se sentent encore plus impliquées et considérées comme le noyau et le socle de la nouvelle IPPF réformée à Delhi.

    Je me joins à vous au nom de mes collègues volontaires de l’AMPPF (AM du Mali) et de la direction exécutive pour féliciter la toute nouvelle directrice régionale du monde arabe. Cette nomination traduit la volonté de cultiver l’excellence et de proner la promotion interne, toute chose qui motiverait le personnel à termes.

    Salutations cordiales.

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