2020 Reflections from Colombia

By Marta Royo, Executive Director ProFamilia Colombia

Dear IPPF,

2020, a year that we will undoubtedly never forget, is coming to an end. 

For the first time in many years, an event has impacted all the countries of the world and their inhabitants in the same way, and no less than through a health-related phenomenon. 

Like a waterfall, the pandemic ended up affecting everything else, the economy, the way we relate, how we work, how we move, even how we think. Then the separation came. Another unexpected event, one that moved the floor under which we had worked for many years in Latin America. 

Faced with this reality, which took us by surprise, we responded in a courageous, creative, comprehensive, flexible and united manner, adapting quickly to the new circumstances. This is how this team came about, with extraordinary results in the midst of so much adversity. 

I would like to take this last day of 2020 to recognize all the support we received from everyone at IPPF, thank you for being there! 

To all the Executive Directors who decided, like us in Profamilia, to continue being part of IPPF, thank you for your bravery and good ideas. In the midst of everything, finding each other has been extraordinary!

To all the people and organizations that are part of IPPF’s world that wrote to us to send us their guidance, good wishes and encouragement, your voices truly made a difference. 

The uncertainty of the pandemic will remain in 2021, as well as the disastrous effects on the economy.  But I hope that as 2021 passes by, we will be able to embrace each other again without being afraid of getting infected or of infecting the people we love. The day will come. 

While the hugs arrive, I send you all my love and appreciation, full of good wishes for you everyone. Thank you again for what you all bring to the defense of sexual and reproductive rights around the world, to the countries we live in and to the lives of many girls, adolescents and women!

Happy New Year!

Marta and the ProFamilia Colombia team

Posted in MA Voices, News Archive, Regional News

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