Global Gag Rule Changes

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28 Jan

1) President Biden releases a Presidential Memo that revokes the Global Gag Rule, effective immediately via; revokes and withdraws co-sponsorship from the Geneva Consensus Declaration and requests that the Secretary of State take the necessary steps to resume funding to UNFPA.

2) Includes a raft of provisions on US domestic SRHR matters, including Title X.

3) At the time of writing, we await the signal for a permanent repeal, via the Global HER Act which will go through Congress.

21 Jan Dr Fauci, director of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, told the World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday morning that the “global gag rule” would be repealed in the next few days as part of the new administration’s “commitment to protect women’s health and advance gender equality, including SRH & RR at home and around the world”.


22 Oct Trump administration launches the “Geneva Consensus Declaration”– the so called the anti-abortion declaration alongside Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia, and Uganda and other 26 countries from different regions.

3 Nov: US elections – Biden win is confirmed and announced a few weeks later after much disruption and opposition from Trump


6 Feb US Department of State releases a six-month review of the MCP. It omits key data, including funding lost and impact on NGOs who did not sign the MCP.

It focusses on the successful implementation of the MCP on signatory organizations.  It also fails to clarify wording in the policy about how funders and partners can behave in consortia if they do or do not sign MCP.

June US Congress putting forward motions to apply MCP into congressional law as a bill as well as an Executive Order


23 Jan President Trump revokes President Obama’s 2009 Executive Order rescinding the Global Gag Rule (GGR) in effect during the Bush administration (2001-2008). The GGR was introduced by Reagan in 1984.

Reinstates the Bush Executive Order of January 22, 2001 re-imposing the GGR, including the Standard Provision that U.S. and foreign NGOs were required to include and certify in their grants and cooperative agreements;

4 April The Secretary of State implements the so-called Kemp-Kasten Amendment against the UNFPA. This blocks all future payments to the agency. IPPF is an executing agency for UNFPA, particularly in conflict and fragile states such as Syria.

15 May Guidance confirms extension of the MCP requirements to PEPFAR and Global Health assistance furnished by all US departments and agencies.

The official policy name of the Mexico City Policy changes to: Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLIGHA); pro-choice, pro-rights SRHR INGOs continue to refer to the policy as the Global Gag Rule given the impact on maternal deaths.

How did the GGR under Trump-Pence-Pompeo impact IPPF?

In the past 4 years IPPF lost approximately USD 100 million for evidence-based programs that provide comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services for millions for women, men and young people who otherwise go without these vital services. 

This policy cycling also forced IPPF to have to close out programs and services, many of which were never replaced.

The impact on MAs – statistics

  • 31 MAs affected: 17 in ARO, 5 in SARO, 9 in WHR
  • Projects closed or reduced: 33 in ARO, 6 in SARO, 10 in WHR (total 49)
  • Estimated funding loss of USD 50 million to MAs: 37 million in ARO, 7 million in SARO, 4 million WHR
  • Estimated funding loss of USD 50 million to the IPPF Secretariat (SIFPO2)

The impact on IPPF:

In 2017, we estimated that continued funding from USAID to IPPF between 2017-2020, could have:

  • Prevented an estimated 4.8 million unintended pregnancies 
  • Prevented an estimated 1.7 million unsafe abortions
  • Prevented an estimated 20,000 maternal deaths
  • Provided an estimated 70 million condoms to prevent unintended pregnancies, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections
  • Provided 725,000 HIV tests to enable people to know their HIV status
  • Provided treatment to 275,000 pregnant women living with HIV and help prevent transmission of HIV to their infants

Over the last four years, communities have suffered a significant disruption in the availability of safe, integrated comprehensive and rights-based healthcare provided by IPPF. IPPF has sought to diversify funding and build MA capacity to do so too, however, funding only represents part of the story: an increased and radicalised opposition is having a deep and fundamental impact at the policy level for resourcing SRHR and creating/sustaining an enabling environment. Women forced to undergo unsafe abortions or coerced into continuing with unwanted pregnancies are the face of this policy.

Public IPPF statements

What does the repeal mean for IPPF?

Today’s announcement means that, for the next four years, we will be working hard to undo the harm caused by the previous U.S. administration and to build back better and stronger. Under the Biden-Harris Administration, IPPF will begin to re-establish our relationship with the US, which includes access to USAID funding. IPPF will also be working with MA’s to begin to undo the chilling effect of this policy.

We have received word form USAID that on the President’s signature today, the gag is longer operative and thus implementers will no longer comply anymore. We recognize that this news will take a while to be trusted and acted on, and are seeking formal guidance from USAID, that will inform our wider efforts in working with our MA’s and SRHR partners on de-chilling Trump-Pence policy, and ensuring US missions join us on the journey that will see the full implementation of what has been announced today. Your colleagues at PPFA will be in touch with an invitation to a webinar and further information on matters such as this next week. 

Does IPPF support a permanent repeal of GGR?

IPPF as a Federation will continue to educate and inform the Biden-Harris Administration on the harmful impacts that the cycling of this policy has on women’s bodies. It is not just the application of the gag, but the distraction and loss of resources, as we open and close programs on the wave of the US Presidents pen.

We believe the Global Gag Rule can no longer be weaponized by anti-choice and anti-SRHR administrations in the future, nor should the Democrats believe that repealing it when in power is good enough for women. We will continue to work with MAs, in particular PPFA, and partners in support of a permanent repeal of the GGR, and there will be a Federation-wide day of action that will kick start community mobilization toward a permanent repeal.

IPPF will also speak up on the impacts of other harmful US policies, such as Hyde, Helms and the anti-prostitution pledge.

Will IPPF apply for USAID funding?

Our partnership with USAID prior to GGR provided key support to our Member Associations. This partnership provided key support to our Member Associations; for our quality of care, improving our technical approaches, and ensuring support for our static clinics, mobile outreach teams, and all the ways that we deliver services to under-served women and girls.

With the repeal of GGR, we are establishing a more focused presence, via IPPF New York and Washington and will  re-engage with USAID on a new partnership and funding opportunities. We are now starting to look at different funding streams and funding opportunities that are coming up.

Regional communications contacts

Amina Khan: London office

Anna Michalowicz: European Network

Gessen Rocas: ESEAOR

Anamaria Bejar: Americas and Caribbean

Himanshi Matta: SARO

Mustapha Kemayel: AWRO

Maryanne Waweru: ARO

In Summary

The Global Gag Rule reinstated under the Trump Administration is the most expansive and far reaching ever implemented. The impact on health projects as well as human prosperity will be felt for generations. Under the Biden-Harris Administration, we will be working hard to undo the unimaginable harm caused by the GGR over the past four years. The repealing of the GGR is only the first step on a long journey of recovery. IPPF will re-establish our relationship with the US under the new U.S. Administration and, though USAID funds will not be available immediately, our goal will be to work towards funding essential health services that were no longer available and repair the damages caused by the GGR.

For the next four years, we must remain consistent in our pressure to ensure the Global Gag Rule cannot be weaponized by future Administrations. We will work together, as a Federation, to there is a permanent repeal of the Global Gag Rule.

Updated January 2021

Posted in News Archive

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