SEAP Learning Review

The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka (FPASL) has been operating IPPF’s Social Enterprise Acceleration Programme (SEAP) since the end of 2017. Since this time, a dedicated Social Enterprise (SE) Hub based at FPASL has worked with other IPPF MAs and the Secretariat to strengthen the Federation’s capacity to develop and deliver social enterprise interventions.

A ‘Learning Review’ was carried out between August 2020 and September 2020. Staff from MAs, ROs, CO and the SE Hub who have been involved in the first two years of the SEAP were invited to participate in the review.

You can download the full review here:

Through a survey approach, the learning review aimed to gather feedback and learning on the support provided by the SE Hub, the expectations of the SE Hub, the application of knowledge and changes implemented by MAs, as well as feedback on the approach, which is aligned with IPPF’s MA-centric approach for programming. The findings of the review will inform potential adaptations to the activities, processes, and structure of the SE Hub.

Learning and Findings

Overall, respondents were very positive about the work undertaken by the SE Hub, the support received, and the SEAP programme in general. There was some important feedback that focused on areas for improvement, including a need to:

  • Strengthen support for the set-up of in-country enterprise ideas and ensure more funding for the start-up of activities
  • Strengthen the business plans produced as well as create more tailored support to MAs
  • Strengthen RO engagement and ownership of the process
  • Ensure trainings are not too long and are followed up by coaching and customized support
  • Be more open to varied models of social enterprise
  • Clarify duties and responsibilities entailed in the working relationship between the SE Hub and the ROs


Several critical recommendations were shared through the learning review. This will help to strengthen the work of the SEAP. These can be summarized as:

  • Expanding the role of the SE Hub as a connector between MAs
  • List areas of expertise and experts within the Federation who are willing to support the SEAP
  • Clarify the strategy, roles and consultative approach between the ROs and the SE Hub
  • Enhance the visibility of the SE Hub as the Global SEAP Lead across the Federation
  • Enhance support to MAs with coaching and consultancy on the issues they face
Posted in Centres & Funds, MA Voices, News Archive

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