Youth-Centred in IPPF

The Youth-Centred Approach (YCA) is about enabling young people to take part in decision-making spaces within the Federation.

IPPF European Network has developed a YCA toolkit with the aim of improving the confidence and capacity of young people and adults to implement, upgrade and expand youth participation in our members.

The toolkit has six modules devoted to different aspects of youth participation. The first module addresses young people as agents of change. During the 2019 reform, young people were of the forefront of the change agenda. They had informed options, experience and ideas that ultimately influenced and bettered the Federation.

Other modules look at MA to MA sharing and learning of best practice, and the many different roles that young people play in our Federation.

Download the different modules below

  1. Young People as Agents of Social Change in your organization
  2. Conceptual Framework of Youth Participation and Youth-Centred Approach in IPPF
  3. Self-organising youth group in the MA
  4. The roles of young volunteers/youth group in the MA
  5. Introducing and improving youth participation and YCA in your MA
  6. Moving forwards; MA to MA coaching and collaborative learning

Or, visit their website to view the full set of resources.


Why involving young people in your work is important? Listen to the experience and learnings of our members.

More on IPPF EN’s work with and for young people.

Posted in News Archive

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