GUSO Learning

Adapting learning from the GUSO programme (2016-2020)  

By Heidy Araque

The youth empowerment programme called GUSO (Get Up Speak Out for Youth Rights!), which started in 2016, has now ended. Implemented by in-country alliances including IPPF MAs, GUSO worked with more than 50 partners in seven countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Pakistan and Uganda.   

GUSO has been hugely successful. The MAs provided over 2.5M direct services to people aged 10-25, they reached 132,050 young people with CSE and reached nearly 10M people with campaigns on youth SRHR.  

To display their work, the GUSO team have developed an exhibition. It is well worth the visit.  

Apart from the direct programme outcomes, GUSO has been a rich source of learning which will continue to inform our youth work in the future.  

The IPPF GUSO team has recently published a suite of resources to inform and facilitate our future youth work. This includes  

  • Guide on youth-led social accountability
  • Guide for MAs to Support Parent-Child Communication on Sexuality (coming soon) 
  • A toolkit to improve Youth Friendly services through peer coaching among service providers (coming soon)

GUSO have also held a series of webinars on a variety of topics, including: 

Apart from the GUSO materials, the many partners have also developed their resources which you can access here.  

We recommend:  

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