Countering Opposition Center

Countering Opposition Center

The opposition to SRHR and other progressive issues has become more coordinated and has built up capacity in several areas such as strategic communication, digital strategies, litigation, and social mobilization.  It is using sophisticated strategies, taking advantage of the far right and populist movements, and contributing to shrinking civil society space and funding.

The global SRHR movement has not adapted effectively to this new landscape and lacks sufficient coordination and proactive strategies. In the political arena, the SRHR movement has a disjointed agenda, creating silos and dividing the ‘safe’ issues from the hot ones. This fragmentation is jeopardizing the advancement of the SRHR agenda as a whole.

The Opposition Centre works to ensure that IPPF Secretariat, Members and partners are safe from opposition attack. The centre further works to deepen the understanding of SRHR opposition, and how to develop proactive strategies that deliver SRHR for all.

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