Statement by Alvaro

Standing Up for Roe v Wade

(For Arabic, French and Spanish translation, use the translation tool above)

Dear IPPF, 

By now you would have seen the leak from the United States on the Supreme Court’s majority opinion with regards to Roe v Wade. While this judgment is unprecedented and catastrophic, we must remember that this is a draft opinion and not yet final. It does, however, give a terrifying insight into what the June/July ruling will be. 

If Roe v Wade is overturned, the consequences will be unimaginable and felt for decades to come – not just in the US but also around the world. IPPF, as a global provider of safe abortion care will do all we can; we will continue to speak out where we see this kind of brutality imposed by the state. 

I’m proud of our incredibly brave Member Association – Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) – who is on the frontline, leading the charge for change. You can join PPFA’s Bans of our Bodies movement here. PPFA is also hosting a Bans off our Bodies partner mobilization session on 4th May. Full details can be found here. I urge us all to remain engaged in the incredible mobilization and advocacy work of PPFA and partners.

It’s clear that now more than ever, our work is even more critical to millions of people seeking safe abortion care. I’d like to take this moment to honor our incredible frontline workers who provide this care on a daily basis and protect our rights to do so. 

IPPF will continue to work closely with PPFA to amplify their key messages, keep you up to date and plan for the final ruling in the coming months. 

The comms team is proactively reaching out to media as well as responding to reactive media enquries. If you do receive media requests, please forward them to 

You can read IPPF’s statement here. 

Posted in News Archive

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