Board Approves IPPF Business Plan

At their meeting on 24 November, the IPPF Board of Trustees reviewed and approved the Secretariat’s 2024 Business Plan. Unlike the member associations who do three-year plans, the secretariat requires annual approval of its business plan. The document outlines the work that will be done by the secretariat in the coming calendar year and the total budget required to deliver it. The business plan is ultimately about accountability and transparency. It is the primary frame of reference for the annual Secretariat Accountability Mechanism (SAM) performance review done by the Member Associations.

In 2024, the secretariat will deliver 146 projects tied to the new strategy. Most projects relate to the core role of the secretariat, such as resource mobilisation, global advocacy, capacity development, and administration. There are also a large number of projects devoted to delivering the IPPF strategy, whether through direct action or in support of the members, such as improving our care model, reaching the most marginalised communities and working with social movements.

You can download and read a copy below:

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