CSE Centre News

In October 2019, the IPPF Business Plan started implementing a number of solutions that had been tendered out in a federation-wide process. The tender to host the IPPF Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Centre was won by Rutgers in The Netherlands. As part of the tender, the Centre took on the management of a global donor […]

Posted in Centres & Funds, News Archive, SRHR, Youth

News from FPA Sri Lanka

The IPPF Social Enterprise Hub Since 2018, the IPPF Social Enterprise Hub has been hosted and managed by FPA Sri Lanka. The Hub has been supporting a number of MAs and the Secretariat to promote or guide social enterprise initiatives. Social Enterprise is the activity of generating income through a business venture, the surplus of […]

Posted in Centres & Funds, COVID, News Archive, Regional News, SRHR

Business Plan Report

The IPPF Business Plan started in 2018 when groups of internal and external stakeholders drew up the conceptual framework. The concept outlined six solutions, each with a maximum of three core initiatives. The concept and associated budgets were approved by the IPPF Governing Council in November 2018. Between April and August 2019, IPPF tendered out […]

Posted in Centres & Funds, News Archive