Updated: Strategy Vote

Indicative Vote Results Between 20 July and 2 August the 108 full member associations of IPPF were invited to an indicative vote for the draft IPPF Strategy 2023-28: Come Together. Six votes were cast after the voting link closed. The last of these votes was added on 15 August. This means the results are as […]

Posted in Governance, MA Voices, News Archive, Strategy2028, Stream 1

Board Papers

The IPPF Board had their first formal meeting of 2021 on 3 and 4 March. As per the Board direction, the papers from the March 2021 meeting are now available to view on the Board Matters page. They feature in the languages required by the Board to perform their duties. This might mean that some […]

Posted in Governance, News Archive

Kate & Alvaro’s Report

The start of 2021 saw an accelerating of the COVID pandemic with countries engaged in a race to vaccinate which, once again, exposes the deep inequalities we live in. With images of a Trump inspired mob storming The Capitol still fresh in the world’s retina, Biden’s inauguration was greeted with a sigh of relief. He […]

Posted in COVID, Governance, MA Voices, News Archive, Regional News, SRHR, Strategy2028

Letter from Alvaro

Dear Colleagues, We have now completed the third meeting of the IPPF Board of Trustees. It was both a very constructive and positive meeting. Kate Gilmore, as Chair, is leading the Board with a renewed sense of purpose and strongly held belief in transparency and openness. I welcome this fresh approach, as I’m sure you […]

Posted in Governance, News Archive, Reform, Regional News, Resource Allocation, SRHR

Join IPPF’s Standing Committees

There is no moment like the present where it is more urgent to fight for SRHR. If you are passionate about IPPF’s governance and mission, why not join one of our Standing Committees? People just like yourself have an incredible opportunity to influence IPPF and SRHR at a global level. You’ll shape how IPPF operates by giving the Board of Trustees advice and challenge.  […]

Posted in Governance

MA Governance Strengthening Pilot Update

As part of the transition, IPPF is rolling out a pilot program through which MAs will receive financial and technical support to review and strengthen their governance structures. More than 20 MAs applied to the program, and a committee composed of representatives from across the Secretariat has selected 10 MAs to participate in the first […]

Posted in Governance, News Archive

May 21 Global Zoom Webinar with Kate Gilmore

In her first days as the interim IPPF Board Chair, Kate Gilmore signaled a shift to a more open relationship between IPPF’s governance and membership. On May 21, she joined Alvaro Bermejo in a Federation-wide Zoom webinar that had more than 235 registered participants from all regions. During the call, she shared her bold vision […]

Posted in Governance, News Archive

MA Governance Pilot Update and Expansion

The global pilot initiative was announced on 1 April 2020, offering the opportunity to 10 MAs across our Federation to participate in an in-depth reflection and governance strengthening process. It was amazing to hear your excitement about this initiative during our Town Hall call with Alvaro and Kate, and through the many emails we have received on […]

Posted in Governance, News Archive

We have changed. For choice. By choice.

Dear Volunteers, Youth and Executive Directors, I wanted to let you all know as soon as possible that at its meeting, the Governing Council approved historic changes to transform IPPF into a more member-led, transparent, and accountable Federation. It puts us in position to respond with the greatest agility to the needs of women, girls […]

Posted in Governance, News Archive

A Message from IPPF’s Donors

In the lead up to the Governing Council meeting, IPPF’s donors sent a letter to IPPF’s Director-General and President urging IPPF to stay on track in implementing the governance reforms agreed in New Delhi. While recognizing the unprecedented circumstances and challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and their continued support of IPPF’s mission, the donors […]

Posted in Governance, News Archive