Secretariat BP 2023

Updated IPPF Business Plan for 2023 Following the recent strategic realignment of the IPPF secretariat, which resulted in a number of structural changes, several fundamental revisions were made to the 2023 business plan of the IPPF secretariat. The Secretariat Business Plan is an important document for the federation. It about transparancy and accountability. The plan […]

Posted in News Archive, Stream 1

Updated: Stream 1 Formula

2023-25 Business Planning The process to develop three-year business plans started in June 2022. The tools have been shared and Member Associations are busy working on the plans. The first step in the business planning process is to identify the indicative amount that each grant-receiving MA is eligible to receive. This amount is determined by […]

Posted in News Archive, Resource Allocation, Stream 1

Updated: Strategy Vote

Indicative Vote Results Between 20 July and 2 August the 108 full member associations of IPPF were invited to an indicative vote for the draft IPPF Strategy 2023-28: Come Together. Six votes were cast after the voting link closed. The last of these votes was added on 15 August. This means the results are as […]

Posted in Governance, MA Voices, News Archive, Strategy2028, Stream 1

Business Plan Review Model

The Technical Review Team will evaluate MA business plans using a standard rubric, which will help efficiently and fairly determine whether an MA should receive its full Indicative Planning Figure (IPF). As a reminder, the Technical Review Team is expected to approve 80% of plans without any modifications, and to approve additional plans after modifications […]

Posted in Stream 1

Stream 1: FAQs

IPPF MA business Plan Frequently Asked Questions IPPF is piloting a new business planning form this year. Below are answers to the common questions we received. We hope these are useful in developing your plans, and please feel free to reach out to your regional Secretariat staff with further questions. Redstone *          *          * How […]

Posted in News Archive, Resource Allocation, SRHR, Stream 1

Stream 1: Business Plans

Stream 1 Business Plan Applications Due 6 September 2022 will be the first year we pilot our new Stream 1 allocation formula and business planning process. MAs that are eligible for Stream 1 funding should have recently received information from regional Secretariat staff about how to complete the new business plan form. In addition to […]

Posted in News Archive, Resource Allocation, Stream 1

Stream 1: Formula

Watch the Stream 1 Formula webinar The planning and budgeting process for 2022 is now ready to begin. Following the reform of the IPPF resource allocation system, all Member Associations and the Secretariat will have to develop business plans and budgets to access unrestricted, core funding. The business plan tool will be sent out from […]

Posted in News Archive, Reform, Resource Allocation, Stream 1

Stream 1 Formula Feedback

In October, we released a draft of the proposed Stream 1 formula to the Federation for an open comment period. For the sake of transparency, we are sharing all of the written comments we received. As promised they have all been anonymized. Where appropriate, we have provided our responses to the comments. The memo is […]

Posted in News Archive, Resource Allocation, Stream 1

Resource Allocation Survey Results

In June, Redstone conducted a survey of IPPF’s membership and Secretariat to inform the development of guidelines and a formula for Stream 1 in the new resource allocation system. More than 220 people responded to the survey, providing important insights that Redstone is now integrating into its work. Key takeaways from the survey include: Respondents […]

Posted in News Archive, Resource Allocation, Stream 1

Update on Stream 1 Consultancy

Dear IPPF, We wanted to share an update on our work to support the new resource allocation process. We will be supporting the development of a new process to allocate unrestricted core funds (Stream 1). We kicked off our work with the Resource Allocation Support Team (RAST) in early March. We have already benefitted immensely […]

Posted in News Archive, Resource Allocation, Stream 1