Restricted Funding Archive

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Archive of previous funding opportunities
Opportunity Donor Brief Description Eligibility criteria Grant Size/Duration Geographical Scope Deadline
Saving Lives at Birth in Low-Resource Settings Program Apply Laerdal Foundation Projects relating to interventions on day of birth including prevention of stillborn deaths.  Applications are particularly welcome relating to: Innovative approaches to more efficient education and implementation; Collaborative initiatives relating to scale-up of proven concepts. Up to 20 projects per year expect to be funded in this category, with a maximum amount of USD 50,000, with the average grant being around USD 30,000. Applications that go beyond a local impact and have the potential to document long term practical value and stimulate developments also in other regions/countries will be prioritized. Projects taking place in the Foundation’s focus countries (see locations) are particularly encouraged. Up to USD $50,000 Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Nepal, Malawi, Tanzania 1 April 2023
Call for Proposals for Regional Spotlight Initiative to End Violence - Caribbean Apply UN Women
Complementing the Spotlight country programmes in six Caribbean countries, the Caribbean Spotlight Programme focuses on 4 of 6 pillars of programming: Working to ensure institutions are gender-responsive; Establishing comprehensive and evidence based prevention programmes aimed at changing social norms and gender stereotypes; Promoting the collection and use of quality, comparable data to inform public policy, advocacy, policy making, and delivery of complimentary services to improve prevention; and Supporting autonomous women’s movements to influence, and monitor policy and to ensure accountability.
Must be a Registered NGO/Civil Society Organisation under the relevant country laws for a period no less than five (5) years before the date of the application. At least 3-5 years’ experience implementing initiatives on gender equality and women’s empowerment, human rights, family violence and gender-based violence including violence against women and girls. At least 3-5 years’ experience working with vulnerable and marginalized individuals/groups/communities including rural women and girls, women and girls with disabilities, queer, transgender, and other gender non-confirming groups. At least 5 years’ experience working in the CARICOM region. Joint applications between NGOS in the target countries with proven experience working in both countries may also be accepted. Maximum USD $50,000 Antigua and Barbuda; Barbados; Belize; Dominica; St. Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; St. Vincent and the Grenadines; Suriname 15 March 2023
LGBTQ+ Strategy: Expression Of Interest - HIV/AIDS Apply Elton John AIDS Foundation Call for expressions of interest for interventions that align with the three strategic pillars of the Foundation's new strategy: 1) reduce HIV prevalence and increase well-being within the LGBTQ+ community through better service delivery; 2) advance equity and reduce social vulnerability for LGBTQ+ people and communities; 3) increasing investment by global donors and governments in LGBTQ+ health and equity. LGBTQ-led solutions will be prioritised. Maximum of two expressions of interest can be submitted per organisation. Grant size and length of project not specified. Geographic focus on Sub-Saharan Africa, South and Southeast Asia (open to supporting other geographic areas if a particularly strong investment opportunity arises). 31 March 2023
UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women Apply UN Trust Fund The UN Trust Fund is seeking proposals for civil society-led, demand-driven initiatives to end violence against women and girls. This year’s funding will focus on ending violence against women and girls experiencing intersecting forms of discrimination and strengthening organizational preparedness and resilience to effectively address violence against women and girls before and once a crisis hits. Will only accept applications from civil society organizations (CSOs), especially women’s rights organizations (WROs) with specialized knowledge, expertise, and a track record of working on the elimination of violence against women and girls. We will prioritize applications from women’s rights organizations, women-led organizations, constituent-led and grassroot women’s organizations. USD $1 million, 3 years Global 18 January 2023
Call for Projects: Equality between Women and Men 2023 Apply French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Field of interventions: SGBV, SRHR, Climate justice, Tech and innovation for equality, feminist movement building, WPS Agenda. French metropolitan and overseas local authorities and their foreign partners who are doing or intend to do equality between women and men a lever for sustainable development. Grants are co-finance only: 50% of the total project cost for projects in countries eligible for Official Development Assistance (ODA); 70% for countries eligible for ODA and designated as priorities by the CICID; 30% for those with non-ODA eligible countries. Duration: 12-24 months Global (Tunisia, Morocco, Mexico, Senegal, Palestine, Lebanon ineligible) 4 February 2023
CS Fund Just Transitions Request For Proposals Apply CS Fund New funding program on Just Transitions to advance social and ecological justice for a future grounded in justice, joy, belonging, and liberation for all beings. Grants will be made across two categories: core and experimental. Funding will be across a wide variety of sectors and areas including but not limited to: climate and environmental justice; humanitarian and emergency response; gender equity; LGBTQIA+ rights and self-determination; health justice (see donor website for full list of key sectors). Non-profit public charity or a fiscally sponsored project based in the US or internationally working on both social and ecological justice. USD $90,000-$300,000 for 3 years Central America and Caribbean; South Asia; West Africa (see full list of eligible countries on donor website) 1 March 2023
Stars in Global Health Apply Grand Challenges Canada (funded by Canadian government and other partners) We seek bold ideas that address the human health impacts of climate change in low- and middle-income countries. These innovative solutions are expected to address the adaptation gaps and build resilience against the effects of climate change on the human health and wellbeing of underserved communities. Solutions should consider the fact that older adults, women, young people, Indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, LGBTQI+ individuals, and other traditionally underserved and minority groups are most vulnerable to the health impacts of climate change in many contexts. Organizations incorporated in Canada or a low- or middle-income country are eligible to apply. Full list of eligible countries is included in the Request for Proposals. CAD $150,000 for up to 18 months Low and middle income countries, with a minimum of 60% of seed grants to be awarded in Sub-Saharan Africa 22 December 2022
Grand Challenges Canada OPTions (Options for Pregnancy Termination Innovation Initiative) Apply Grand Challenges Canada (funded by Canadian government and other partners) Call for Proposals, Next-Generation Methods – The OPTions Initiative has an ongoing call for proposals for seed grants up to $400,000 CAD for innovations that seek to test and develop next-generation methods of pregnancy termination, menses induction, or conception interruption. Active Project Leads are not eligible to apply; however, we encourage you to contact the OPTions team if your organization is interested in the opportunity to discuss further.• Access Applicants: Only institutions legally incorporated in a low- or middle income country are eligible to apply.• Next Generation Methods Applicants: Institutions from all countries, including high-income country institutions, are eligible to apply. Up to CAD $400,000 Next generation funding stream: all countries. Access funding stream: low and middle income countries. December 31 2022
Supporting more inclusive societies in the Eastern Caribbean Apply European Commission Priorities for this call for proposals include:
  • Strengthened CSOs capacity and engagement on protection of marginalised and vulnerable groups. This priority area aims at supporting CSOs in their efforts to provide and/or advocate for quality services for the groups more in need (e.g. social, legal aid, physical/psychological health and care, education/schooling, housing, victim shelters); protection against discrimination and preventing and combating all kinds of violence against persons belonging to vulnerable groups, including hate crime, child abuse, domestic and gender-based violence.
  • Strengthened CSOs capacity and engagement on inclusion of marginalised and vulnerable groups.
Open to CSOs. Actions must take place in one or more of the following countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. EUR 300,000 - 450,000 Latin America and the Caribbean - see eligible countries under eligibility criteria. 10 January 2023
What Works to Prevent Violence: Scale-Up Grant Apply UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office What Works to Prevent Violence: Impact at Scale Programme is seeking full proposals from programme implementers in the global south to apply for a 3-year grant to scale-up evidence-based violence and women and girls’ prevention programming. Organisations including women’s rights organisations, INGOs/NGOs and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), either as single organizations or in consortia. GBP £4,000,000 Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Middle East and North Africa. 23 September 2022
What Works to Prevent Violence: Innovation Grants Apply UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office What Works to Prevent Violence: Impact at Scale Programme is seeking concept note applications from women-led WROs in the global south and feminist organisations to apply for a 3-year grant to pilot innovations on how to prevent violence against women and girls. Southern-based, women-led, women’s rights organisations (WROs) working as programme implementers in the field of prevention of VAWG. GBP £500,000 for 3 years Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Projects located in fragile and conflict affected states (FCAS) are strongly encouraged. 2 September 2022
Small Grants for Scaled Impact (SGSI): Collaboration for Improved SRMNCAH Apply CORE Group Call for concept notes for issuing small grants to improve sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescents health. The CORE Group will issue small grants with the purpose of engaging, in a participatory approach, with eligible Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in a collaborative effort to address key barriers for improving SRMNCAH services and outcomes in three priority countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Nepal. 1. Local NGOs or CSOs that are registered in the country, and can provide evidence of official, current registration. 2. NGOs or CSOs that are led by women, youth, or people with disabilities, and other community-based organizations. CORE Group is preparing to issue a total of three grants: One grant of up to $250,000, to be implemented within 12 to 18 months. Two grants of up to $90,000 each, to be implemented within 12 to 18 months. Bangladesh, Cambodia and Nepal 30 June 2022
PHC Advocacy Micro-Grant Apply Primary Health Care Performance Initiative (PHCPI) Two opportunities for advocacy-related funding in 2022, both aimed primarily at civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations working on primary health care (PHC):
  • General Micro-Grant for PHC Advocacy
  • Advisory Role within the Allies Improving PHC & PHCPI
CSO/non-profit USD $10,000-50,000 for activities between now and December 2022. Global 10 April 2022
2022 Innovation Small Grants Programme Apply Child Health Foundation Call for proposals from NGOs for innovative research or innovative service projects directed at improving the health and well-being of new-born infants during their first year of life. Registered local NGO. USD $5,000 for up to 12 months Global: low or middle income country, or USA. 31 May 2022
Volant COVID-19 Response Fund Apply Volant Trust Call for applications to Fund for alleviating social deprivation and helping vulnerable groups who have been particularly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Project and funding must be specifically related to the Covid-19 pandemic: running or core costs including the purchase of medical equipment or PPE will be considered. Registered charity, community interest company, community organisation or social enterprise. Organisation must directly help with the alleviation of social deprivation and vulnerable groups who have been particularly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Not specified - grants are made at the discretion of the trustees. Estimated £15,000 per year for up to 3 years based on other awards. Global 31 July 2022
Civic Space for Feminist Action - call for applications Apply International Center for Not-for-Profit Law The Civic Space for Feminist Action call supports the efforts of women human rights defenders and feminist organisations to advance an enabling civic space for feminist action in all its diversity. This initiative is part of a broader strategy of ensuring that the Generation Equality Forum's (GEF) Action Coalition 6 on "Feminist Leadership and Movements" delivers on its transformative impact. This call is open to domestic civil society organizations working on women's rights issues at the national or sub-national level located in countries currently listed on the DAC List of ODA recipient countries. USD $40,000 Countries listed on the DAC list of ODA recipient countries 28 February 2022
SAAF 2022 funding round Apply Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF) The Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF), hosted by IPPF, is launching its sixth round of funding and is accepting grant applications until the closing date of 20th February 2022. We provide funding and support to organisations in low- and middle-income countries working on any aspect of abortion care, research, education and advocacy. Both recent/current SAAF grantees and new organisations are invited to apply. Must be based in an eligible country Current/recent SAAF grantees: USD $150,000 for up to 4 years.New organisations: USD $32,500-65,000 for 1-2 years See list of eligible countries here: 20 February 2022
Commonwealth Foundation Grants Call 2021-2022 Apply Commonwealth Foundation The Foundation is currently focusing its work on three priority themes: (i) health; (ii) environment and climate change; and (iii) freedom of expression. They support initiatives that encourage and lead to meaningful and constructive engagement between civil society and government around policy and decision-making relevant to these three themes. Applications must address one or more of the three priority themes and demonstrate appropriate and meaningful integration of gender considerations. The Commonwealth Foundation will not fund projects that focus on service delivery or research. CSOs registered in an eligible commonwealth foundation member country, with documented experience working on participatory governance and advocacy within the proposed area/theme(s). The average of the applicant organisation’s total annual income over the past two years must be less than £2m. £15,000-30,000 for a maximum of two years Eligible Commonwealth Foundation member countries (see list on website) 30 November 2021
Gender Fund Apply Co-Impact Co-Impact's new Fund aims to raise and deploy US $1 billion over the next decade to support predominantly women-led Global South organizations with the large, unrestricted, long-term, and flexible funding needed to transform systems to be more just and inclusive, advance women’s power, agency and leadership at all levels and shift harmful gender norms that prevent progress. Through this Fund, Co-Impact will support initiatives that are working to make systems just and inclusive and advance women’s leadership at all levels. Three different types of grants are available (catalytic, domain and anchor) with varying requirements in terms of assessment criteria and eligibility. Global South and locally-rooted organizations: civil society groups, think-tanks and academic institutions, professional associations and networks, women’s rights groups, and feminist and allied movements, among others. 75% of all grants will go to women-led organisations. 100% of the catalytic grants will go to women-led organisations. *Anchor grants: US $5-20 million over 5 to 6 years. *Domain grants: US $2-4 million over 5 to 6 years. *Catalytic grants: US $1-3 million over 3 to 4 years. *For Anchor and Domain grants, Co-Impact’s support is limited to 25-50% of the total philanthropic cost of the initiative, the rest must be fund matched. Africa, South Asia, ESEAOR, Latin America (see list of specific eligible countries) 20 December 2021
Commonwealth Youth Awards Apply The Commonwealth The Commonwealth Youth Awards for Excellence in Development Work aims to recognise and celebrate young people (aged 15 – 29) in the Commonwealth who are spearheading impactful, sustainable development work in their communities. - The nominee must have been engaged in development work for more than 12 months, either in a professional or voluntary capacity; - The nominee must be a Commonwealth citizen and the development work must be taking place in a Commonwealth member country; - The nominee should not be older than 29 years of age on 31 December 2021; and - Individuals can nominate themselves or be nominated by someone who can accurately describe their development work. £1,000-5,000 Countries that are members of the Commonwealth 17 October 2021
Saving Lives at Birth in Low-Resource Settings Apply Laerdal Foundation The support will be focused on practically oriented projects helping achieve the UN Sustainability Goal no 3, aiming at:
  • Reducing infant and child mortality by 2/3 from 2010 to 2030
  • Reducing maternal deaths by 2/3 from 2010 to 2030
The Board particularly welcomes applications relating to:
  • Innovative approaches to more efficient education and implementation
  • Collaborative initiatives
  • Projects in selected focus countries (see geographical scope)
In considering applications for projects in developing countries, the Board will be prioritizing projects that beyond a local impact have the potential to document long term practical value, and stimulate developments also in other regions/countries through publication of results in peer reviewed journals. Please note that projects to strengthen a local health system, will not qualify. USD $50,000 Not limited to but prefer applications from the following focus countries: Tanzania, Ethiopia, Malawi, Bangladesh, India, Nepal 1 October 2021 (call opens biannually for April 1 and October 1 application deadlines)
2021 Fund for Covid Solidarity Apply Alliance for Gender Equality in Europe The Alliance for Gender Equality is accepting proposals to aid the most vulnerable women and girls who have been the most negatively impacted by Covid. Civil society organisations registered and working in the 27 countries of the EU. Small, frontline organisations will be prioritised, with annual budgets that do not exceed 450,000€. Larger organisations will be considered only for specific project support 30,000€ – 50,000€ Duration: 1 year Countries in the European Union 6 October 2021
Grants enabling access to health care and promoting health equity around the world Apply Madiro

Madiro is launching its first annual round of grants to support relief of suffering initiatives related to health. This funding opportunity is open to any organization that aids low-resource communities, marginalized communities, or populations facing health inequalities around the world.

Projects may focus on any health condition and any type of health intervention. To be considered, projects must showcase a direct impact on its beneficiaries.

Your organization must have as its principal mandate to promote health and access to health, specifically for low-resource communities, marginalized communities, or populations facing health inequalities. You may be a non-profit, a charity, a social enterprise, a for-profit entity, a cooperative. Organizations from around the world are encouraged to apply. CAD $25,000 - $100,000 Duration: 24 months beginning January 1 2022 Global 10 November 2021
Spark Grants Apply She Decides Open call for applications to young feminist groups, collectives, movements or coalitions, organising for bodily autonomy and sexual rights, that need a 'spark' of funding for their movement building. Open for applications from young feminist organisers (under 30 years old) from around the world, working in self-led groups to organise, Stand Up and Speak Out for bodily autonomy. Applicants must be part of a feminist group, collective, movement or coalition. USD $5,000-$20,000 per project Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Arab Region, Eastern Europe 26 September 2021
Solidarité Migrants: Redonner espoir aux jeunes Apply Fondation de France (FdF) Le programme Solidarité Migrants soutient les actions menées au Liban et en Jordanie par des associations locales, permettant aux jeunes (12-25 ans) de se reconstruire et de se projeter dans l’avenir. Il s’agit notamment d’appui psychosocial qui permet de renforcer la résilience, de rebâtir l’estime de soi et de construire des perspectives de plus long terme. Le programme appuie également l’éducation, la formation et l’insertion professionnelle en lien avec les opportunités du pays d’accueil, ainsi que les initiatives visant à promouvoir une image positive de la migration au sein des populations hôtes et à renforcer la cohésion sociale. Les projets doivent se situer au Liban ou en Jordanie et être portés par une association de droit libanais ou jordanien.Une attention particulière est accordée aux projets réunissant des bénéficiaires réfugiés et non réfugiés. Grant size not specified, minimum 20% match funding required.Duration 6-24 months Lebanon, Jordan Proposals accepted throughout 2021