Social Enterprise Internship 2021

25 participants from 15 affiliated organizations representing 5 IPPF regions attended the virtual sessions live-streamed via Zoom from FPA Sri Lanka. The comprehensive curriculum was delivered by external expert facilitators, IPPF RO and MA staff, FPA Staff and Social Entrepreneurs. Some of the training methodologies used were synchronous eLearning, trainer-led sessions, group collaboration projects, intermittent Q & A forums, online tools, interactive discussions, and experience sharing. Simultaneous French translations of the sessions were provided together with workshop content materials.

On the closing day, three successful entrepreneurs shared their experiences with the group. It was followed by the certificate awarding ceremony, graced by well-wishers from the Federation and external personnel.

This capacity-building internship aimed to enhance entrepreneurial knowledge and develop business acumen on enterprise development so that the participants will be better equipped to work on their start-up ideas or grow their existing #SocialEnterprise activities to be income-generating and sustainable.

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