Roundtable Video

Strategy 2028 Roundtables Video availble This video gives an overview of the wealth of input provided to the Strategy 2028 design process. The video covers the discussions held between June and December 2021. Enjoy!!

Posted in News Archive, Strategy2028

2022 Stream 1

Stream 1 Business Plans for 2022 The 2022 business plans marks a final shift towards the new IPPF budgeting and planning practice. It not only places Members and the Secretariat on equal footing but brings together a unified Secretariat into a single process. In a first for the Federation, the business plans are comprehensive in […]

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IPPF Humanitarian Updates – 2022

A recent underwater volcanic blast located about 65 kilometres north of Tonga‘s capital, Nuku’alofa, triggered a tsunami of up to 15 metres high and sent wave surges across the Pacific. IPPF Humanitarian has made contact with Tonga Family Health Association to establish the SRH needs of affected communities. SRH has been noted as a priority for […]

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UNFPA New Strategic plan 2022-2025

The United Nations Population Fund have delivered their new strategic plan and we are including it here below.

Posted in Front Page, Regional News

24th AIDS Conference – Global Village

Dear friends, colleagues  The 24th AIDS conference will be taking place this year in Canada from 29th July to 2nd August in person as well as virtually in Montreal, Canada. As we did in the past, IPPF will be engaging with the conference which is a fantastic platform to share evidence, success stories, and best practices with the wider […]

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Abortion hearings: What’s going on in Namibia?

Namibia is under the spotlight this month as it resumes public hearings on abortion on 16 January. This follows the hearings which took place late last year, and will hopefully play an important role in the liberalization of abortion laws in the country.  The current laws regulating abortion are no longer fit for purpose – not […]

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Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF) – Funding Opportunity

Today, the Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF), hosted by IPPF, is launching its sixth round of funding and is accepting grant applications until the closing date of 20th February 2022. We provide funding and support to organisations in low- and middle-income countries working on any aspect of abortion care, research, education and advocacy. Please note that only organisations […]

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What counts as success in child marriage interventions?

Vea abajo para español. Pour le français, veuillezvoir ci-dessous. हिंदी के लिए कृपया नीचे देखें। A discussion on age, agency and measuring change that matters February 2, 20229:00am-10:30am New York2:00pm-3:30pm London5:00pm-7:30pm Nairobi7:30pm-9:00pm New Delhi  RSVP Here! The Child, Early & Forced Marriage & Unions (CEFMU) and Sexuality Working Group’s letter to the editor of the Journal of Adolescent […]

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Breaking the Silence on Infertility – 27 January 2022

Webinar hosted by IPPF and Share-Net International Dear Partners,  We are pleased to share with you the invitation to our Webinar on Breaking the Silence on Infertility hosted jointly byInternational Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and Share-Net International. The event will discuss the burden and stigma associated with infertility, and share people’s personal experience of how infertility impacts […]

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