Secretariat BP 2023

Updated IPPF Business Plan for 2023

Following the recent strategic realignment of the IPPF secretariat, which resulted in a number of structural changes, several fundamental revisions were made to the 2023 business plan of the IPPF secretariat.

The Secretariat Business Plan is an important document for the federation. It about transparancy and accountability. The plan gives insight into the work being done across the seven main offices of the secretariat. It allows members to hold the secretairat to account for the priorities and objectives to which the secretariat has committed itself in the planning and budgeting cycle.

The English and French version of the revised plan as well as Arabic and Spanish summaries are availble to download below.

Please note that the business plan is an important reference point for the Secretariat Accountability Mechanism, which asks IPPF MAs to comment on secretariat performance.

Posted in News Archive, Stream 1

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