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Forum News provides regular updates about what takes place in the secretariat and among the membership. The news items have a comments section where you can add your thoughts. Please make the feedback constructive. If you want to share news stories from your context (community/ country/ region), please contact

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Identifying Advocacy Successes!

SHARING EXPERIENCES AND APPROACHES FOR EFFECTIVE NATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION: MAs requested support to strengthen their teams capacity to do effective advocacy.  In response to this, the IPPF Advocacy Team partnered with the AFP/ JHU Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health for a taster on SMART Advocacy that was convened on Tuesday, 1st […]

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SheDecides new tools for movement building and organizing

Check out our new Organizing Playbook! We drive change through collective action; Standing Up and Speaking Out for bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health and rights. From grassroots movement building and creating national coalitions to regional network strengthening and implementing global advocacy campaigns; in each case organizing is at the heart of effective action.  We’ve developed the new SheDecides Organizing Playbook as a practical guide to organizing collective action for a world where SheDecides. It has […]

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The Movement Accelerator Digital (MAP) Platform is live! Click here to watch the platform teaser! We are witnessing a rising tide of extremist, populist anti-gender movements globally. Human rights are under threat and the SRHR community has to be more effective than ever to protect them.  To build and cement broad public support for SRHR, IPPF has established a global Movement Accelerator Platform. The platform comprises three cross-Federation […]

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RESPOND: Responding with Essential SRHR Provision and New Delivery mechanisms

Serving Afghan refugees in Pakistan The Responding with Essential SRHR Provision and New Delivery mechanisms (RESPOND) project aims to restore services, particularly to marginalised populations such as young people, people living in poverty, and people with disabilities, which have been impacted by COVID-19. RESPOND is a two-year program being implemented jointly by IPPF and MSI […]

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PPAG Centre of Excellence Holds Learning and Sharing Forum Held in Tanzania

In December 2021, the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG), one of IPPF’s Centres of Excellence (CoE) for youth programming, hosted Anglophone Member Associations (MAs) of the IPPF in a learning and sharing forum to deliberate on and advance youth centred programming across the MAs. The forum sought to facilitate capacity building and knowledge exchange, […]

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Esperanza Delgado: Star on the Rise!

Esperanza Delgado is the Strategic Director of Advocacy and inter-institutional Relations at the Family Planning Association of Mexico. She was recently selected as one of four women to participate in the International Masters Program for Managers at the Lancaster University Management School. We put a series of questions to her as she prepares to take […]

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Bringing Pleasure into Sex Education!

14/01/2022 The Pleasure Project has been working closely with WHO to showcase how Pleasure is an important component of what we do in SRHR. New research shows that sexual health programs that include sexual desire and sexual pleasure can improve knowledge and attitudes around sex, as well as condom use compared to those that do […]

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Social Enterprise Programme – Annual Newsletter 2021

We are pleased to share with you the 4th E-newsletter edition of IPPF’s Social Enterprise Programme.    This annual newsletter gives you snippets of updates about the programme, key highlights, recap of the 2021 activities, important links, what’s in store for 2022…and more. As this is designed as an e-document you can click on the links and teaser content to be re-directed to the full […]

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Africa-Europe Week – Side Event 14 – 18 Feb 2022

How do we get back on track in realizing gender equality and SRHR? This will be the central question at our #AfricaEU event next Tuesday, with ministers from Africa and Europe, UNFPA, the European Commission, youth and civil society. Register here: Africa-Europe Week – New Registration (

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International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) 2022

ICFP 2022 abstract submissions now open Abstract submissions for the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) 2022 will be accepted between 1 February and 15 March 2022. For information on how to submit abstracts, please see here. Background on ICFP 2022: ICFP 2022 will take place from 14-17 November 2022 in Pattaya City, Thailand. It […]

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