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Forum News provides regular updates about what takes place in the secretariat and among the membership. The news items have a comments section where you can add your thoughts. Please make the feedback constructive. If you want to share news stories from your context (community/ country/ region), please contact

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Letter from Alvaro

Indicative Planning Figures (IPF) 2021. Dear colleagues from Member Associations, In IPPF, we are all changing By Choice, For Choice in our governance and in our operations, focusing on all ways in which we are accountable to each other and to the cause that we all serve.  Transparency on how IPPF allocates resources is key, […]

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COVID: Round 2 Survey Results

Download the COVID Solidarity Fund Application Guidelines here: ARABIC / ENGLISH / FRENCH / SPANISH As the COVID-19 crisis continued to unfold between March and June, IPPF launched a second round survey to continue analysis of the impact of C-19 on MA operations and SRH service provision in order to inform priorities for an IPPF […]

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Prisoners of Pregnancy

By Dr Kalpana Apte, Secretary-General, Family Planning Association of India (FPA India) & Dr Manisha Bhise, Director Resource Mobilization, FPA India Unfortunately, for centuries, women’s reproductive and sexual rights have not really been theirs to claim. The decisions and choices related to their bodies have been imposed by the community, religion, law, family and partners. […]

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Message from Alvaro: Completed WHRO Separation

Dear IPPF, I am happy to say that after the unwelcome surprise of the Western Hemisphere Regional Office (WHRO) withdrawal on 31 July, we have successfully managed to refocus on our purpose. Starting on August 1, the IPPF Board and Secretariat responded quickly to the unfolding situation. Instead of drawing out the separation we chose […]

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Business Plan Report

The IPPF Business Plan started in 2018 when groups of internal and external stakeholders drew up the conceptual framework. The concept outlined six solutions, each with a maximum of three core initiatives. The concept and associated budgets were approved by the IPPF Governing Council in November 2018. Between April and August 2019, IPPF tendered out […]

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WHRO Withdrawal Update

“We regret the decision of the Western Hemisphere Regional Office to withdraw from the federation. IPPF has been working in the Americas for more than 70 years and we remain committed to protecting and enhancing the rights of women and girls and providing essential services in the region. We will not delay in that commitment, […]

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Join IPPF’s Standing Committees

There is no moment like the present where it is more urgent to fight for SRHR. If you are passionate about IPPF’s governance and mission, why not join one of our Standing Committees? People just like yourself have an incredible opportunity to influence IPPF and SRHR at a global level. You’ll shape how IPPF operates by giving the Board of Trustees advice and challenge.  […]

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Comments Page for Western Hemisphere Regional Office’s withdrawal

This page is devoted to the many comments we have received from the IPPF Membership in relation to the WHRO withdrawal. The comments range from shock to sadness and frustration. Above all, there is a strong sense of solidarity among the IPPF membership. The comments below are drawn from the chat function during the two […]

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Transforming the Secretariat to be more MA-centric

We have reached another important milestone in the transformation of IPPF, with the announcement of plans for a more MA-centric and unified Secretariat. The redesign of the Secretariat is rooted in the historic changes agreed in New Delhi last year to make IPPF more transparent and accountable. The GC and DLT knew they had to […]

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MA Governance Strengthening Pilot Update

As part of the transition, IPPF is rolling out a pilot program through which MAs will receive financial and technical support to review and strengthen their governance structures. More than 20 MAs applied to the program, and a committee composed of representatives from across the Secretariat has selected 10 MAs to participate in the first […]

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