2022 Stream 1

Stream 1 Business Plans for 2022

The 2022 business plans marks a final shift towards the new IPPF budgeting and planning practice. It not only places Members and the Secretariat on equal footing but brings together a unified Secretariat into a single process. In a first for the Federation, the business plans are comprehensive in outlining the totality of planned actions and budgets for the 2022 funding cycle. This includes all restricted, unrestricted and designated funding.

Below are the outcomes of the Stream 1 applications in 2022.

Secretariat Business Plan

In November 2021, the Secretariat submitted a business plan to the Board of Trustees. You can download the document here. Please note that the Secretariat budget includes the MA Stream 1 grants.

The Business Plan Executive Summary is available in Arabic, French and Spanish below. 

MA Business Plans

The 2022 business plans provided a complete overview of all planned activities and budgets of grant-receiving member associations. This is new. As another first, the country allocation was determined by a transparent formula assessing more than 40 criteria, including unmet SRHR needs. The full table of final MA allocations can be viewed below.

In percentage terms, the Secretariat, remains on course to reach the Board target of 30%, of unrestricted income. In 2022, the share has dropped to 32%. Conversely, the MA core contributions through Stream 1 have increased by as much as 10% from 2021 budgets (total USD). The increase will help MAs cope with the difficult global context.

Secretariat Business Plan
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